GIKKU : Gojuryu Internatonal Karatedo Kobudo Unioin YUZENKAI Yuzenkai where tradition meets the future last up date :Dec.26 2024 mail to Unauthorized use of images and videos on this Yuzenkai site is prohibited. Recently, there has been an increase in the issuance of DAN certificates using Kancho Omoto's name. Any certificate not listed on this website is fake. Please exercise caution.1/4/2024 preface序言 News ニュース 1 about us 勇善会について 2 history to Yuzenkai 勇善会への歴史 3 about Bunkai of Yuzenkai Gojuryu Kata 剛柔流型の分解について 4 reasearch on Karate by kancho of Yuzenkai 研究記事 5 essey and article by kancho of Yuzenkai 館長記事 6 philosophy of karate 空手の哲学2/11/2024 7 photo gallary 写真集 14/12/2024 8 Yuzenkai web dojo 教材動画集 9 YUZENKAI DAN holders list 本部認定有段者リスト Warning;The DAN certificate using Kancho Omoto's name which is not on this list is counterfeit certificate. 10 References (coming soon)
.. 型を見て明白なとおり剛柔流は剛(打撃技)と柔(関節技・投げ技、締め技)が有機的に連関した武術です。これは身体のみならず精神にも当てはまります。このウェブサイトの目的は伝統的な技術と戦闘理論を世界と共有することにあります。記載のさい1970年代以後に
メディアで拡散した空手映画、総合格闘技、柔術、合気、WKF、極真などの理論で説明しないように配慮しています。それは後付けの技法だからです。すべての写真とビデオは私のアマチュアワークです。見苦しさについてはご理解をお願いいたします 剛柔流国際空手道古武道連合総本部勇善会 館長 尾本一則→biography ..It is evident from the kata that Goju-ryu combines Go (striking techniques) and Ju (joint locks, throws, and choking techniques) in an organic and cohesive manner. This principle applies not only to physical techniques but also to the mental aspect. ..The purpose of this website is to share these traditional techniques and combat theories with the world. In doing so, I care has been taken to avoid borrowing theories popularized by media from the 1970s onward, such as those from karate movies, mixed martial arts, jujutsu, aikido, WKF, or Kyokushin. because they are retrofitted interpretations. ..All photos and videos are amateur works, and I ask for your understanding in this regard. ..Kazunori Omoto,Kancho of GIKKU Yuzenkai |
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latest changed pages Sweden 2/2/2024 ........... Chile 29/11/2023 Spain 26/12/2024 ...........Photo gallary 14/12/2024 Kancho's essey 19/6/2024 ....About us 26/7/2024 Web Dojo 9/3/2024 .......... Philosophy of karate 2/11/2024 26/12/2024 9年前に来日して剛柔流空手から大きなインスパイアを受け、「剛」でも「柔」でも戦える空手家として総合格闘技で数々の栄光を持つスペイン勇善会のヨセプ・カラモンテ南ヨーロッパ統括が再来日し、3日間勇善会本部で旧交を温めた。12月8日の演武会では一緒に練習した後、会員は剛柔流の型、少年部の組手、剛柔流式コンタクト組手、ヌンチャク、ヌンティ、棒およびそれらの組棒を披露した。ヨセプ師範は総合格闘技のテクニックを指導し、初段候補者対象の10人組手試験では決勝の相手としても参加した。この3日間は全員にとってエキサイティングな経験となり我々は一つの家族だと実感した。 Shihan Josep Claramonte,Yuzenkai SPAIN,Southern Europe Vice President, nine years ago, visited Japan and received deep inspiration from Goju-ryu Karate and has numerous honors in mixed martial arts as a fighter who can fight in both "GO" and "Ju" styles visited Japan again and renewed old friendships. At the demonstration event held on December 8, after practicing together, performances included Goju-ryu kata, JKF-kumite of kids class, Goju-ryu contact kumite, Nunchaku, Nunti, and Bo presented by the Japanese members. Shihan Josep provided coaching on mixed martial arts techniques. Additionally, he participated as the final opponent in the ten-man kumite test for first-dan candidates. The three days were an exciting and enriching experience for all members and have the sense we are one family. →gallary |
19/6/2024 Book Review書評 フィリップ・コンジョクラッド著「泉川寛喜 剛柔流先駆者の遺産と教え」 Filip Konjokrad "Kanki Izumikawa-Legacy and Teachings of a Goju Ryu Pioneer" →Amazon ..剛柔流空手史研究者として国際的に有名なカナダの研究者による3冊目の著書。広報では「この本により剛柔流の重要な先駆者である泉川寛喜の生涯と教えが初めて深く探求された。日本語からの新訳、インタビュー、未公開の情報と写真を豊富に含む 」とある。 比嘉世幸の一番弟子であった沖縄出身の泉川氏は1939年に本土で沖縄剛柔流道場の組織的活動を開始して以降、多くの門下生と団体を輩出し1967年に惜しくも59歳で亡くなった。その軌跡を膨大な文献と現地調査に基づいてたどった本書は剛柔流の本質と本土での展開を理解するための貴重な文献である。日本に類書は存在しない。 This is the third book by the author, a promising researcher in karate history. According to the author, "For the first time, the life and teachings of an important Goju-Ryu pioneer, (Kanki Izumikawa) are explored in depth. The book includes new translations from Japanese, interviews, and a wealth of previously unpublished information and photos.” Although Kanki Izumikawa from Okinawa,the top student of Seiko Higa,aproduced many students and founded several groups after 1939, he sadly passed away in 1967 at the age of 59. Had he lived longer, the landscape of Goju-Ryu karate might have been profoundly different. This is a valuable resource for those seeking to understand the essence and evolution of Goju-Ryu karate. There is no similar book like it in Japan.→detail |
28/5/2024 .. ヨセプ・カラモンテ・スぺイン支部長、剛でも柔でも戦える世界勇善会のトップファイターが5/18~5/20にスペインで行われたフルコンタクト空手+柔術+護身術の何でも有り大会でヨーロッパチャンピョン2連覇達成!今回の参加者は空手家が中心だったためかなり荒っぽく苦戦したとのこと。 Shihan Josep Claramonte, the top fighter of Yuzenkai Spain, renewed his European Championship title in CJJ (Combat JuJutsu; Full Contact, Close Contact, Ground Fight, Self-Defense) on May 17-19 in Spain. This year's tournament brought some surprises, as all competitors in his category had karate backgrounds, making for intense and thrilling matches. Despite the fierce competition, he achieved an impressive result. |
22/12/2023 up! Articlu by Kancho 加藤勇師範を悼む ..日本空手道連合会大会第一回型優勝、同2~5回で型・組手準優勝・三位・優秀選手賞に輝いた加藤勇師範(1941-2023)を悼む。型、組手、古武道そして実戦に抜群のセンスを示し1960代を席巻した空手の天才。沖縄剛柔流泉川寛喜範士(1908-1967)晩年のトップファイター。勇善会の勇の由来となった偉大な先を悼んで。 The legend & the achievements of I. Kato, one of the founders of Yuzenkai In 2023, Yuzenkai lost one of its founders. At the end of the year, I reflected on the achievements, legacy, and memories of Isamu Kato (1941–2023) with Shihan Naganuma. Note: The name "Yuzenkai" comes from the founders' names, Isamu Kato (加藤勇) and Yoshiaki Naganuma (長沼善秋). "Yu" (勇) is from "Isamu" (勇), and "Zen" (善) is from "Yoshi"-aki (善秋). |
12/11/2023 SPAIN 最強の剛柔流ファイター、総合格闘技で世界金! ヨセプ師範は現代最強の剛柔流ファイターと言える。スペインをはじめ国際的な総合格闘技大会に参加し剛(打撃)でも柔(投げ・関節・固め・締め)でも戦ってその実力を金メダルで実証してきた数少ない空手家である。9年前に厚木で修業して以来剛柔流の実戦使用の体現をめざしてきた。2024年12月に厚木に凱旋里帰り。 The strongest modern Goju-ryu fighter I received great news the other day. I share this as an honor to all Yuzenkai members. “Dear Omoto Kancho, It is with great pleasure that I offer a World Championship to the glory of Yuzenkai.I became ICJJIF World Champion in Latvia.9 fights to get gold medal and world title. I offer this title to you and all members of Yuzenkai. Josep Claramonte,Yuzenkai Spain” He is a true Goju-ryu fighter who embodies the ideal unity of "Go" (thrust, kick, strike) and "Ju" (throws, joint techniques, tightening, hardening) in real combat. He is the strongest modern Goju-ryu fighter. Although there are many Goju-ryu practitioners around the world, he stands alone in proving this mastery with a world gold medal in mixed martial arts ..→detail詳細 |
4/11/2023 up! essey and article by kancho .. 金城裕 (1919-2013)。沖縄生れの空手家。大正時代~他界(2013)まで空手の発展に流派を超えて誠実に寄り添ってきた彼の大著「唐手から空手へ」(日本武道館)の紹介。 「手(て)→唐手(とうで)→唐手(からて)→空手(からて)」の変遷を戦前の沖縄県学務課や大日本武徳会との関係から解明し、それによって武術空手から教育空手、スポーツ空手へと変化すると共に同時に空手観、型、分解の変容が生じたことを実証した。 4大流派集団の功と罪、全空連の功と罪、世界空手連盟(WKF)の功と罪、これからあるべき空手の姿について本人の体験と驚異的な学識から語った後世の空手家への遺言の書といえる。 Now, (1) Te (手), (2) Toude (唐手), (3) Karate (唐手; with the pronunciation changed), and (4) Karate (空手; with kanji changed by the Okinawa Education Bureau in 1939) are used interchangeably, which leads to confusion.” Kinjo explains these distinctions as follows: (1) Te (手): An ancient indigenous Okinawan martial art. (2) Toude (唐手): The 19th-century term for Te, emphasizing its Chinese origins. (3) Karate (唐手): An educational form of karate developed in 1905 by Anko Itosu (糸洲安恒) for secondary school physical education in Okinawa. (4) Karate (空手): A version with changed kanji, influenced by political intentions preceding the Sino-Japanese War. Kinjo observed that these four concepts have all come to be called "karate," leading to confusion among practitioners worldwide. "Which concept of karate have you heard about: (1), (2), (3), or (4)?” he asks readers, encouraging them to think critically about karate's origins. Kinjo's book also discusses the advantages and drawbacks of the four major post-WWII karate organizations, including the JKF and WKF. This work serves as his legacy to future generations, sharing insights from his extensive experience and profound knowledge, as well as his vision for the future of karate.→detail詳細 金城師範が1956年から1957年にかけて発行した『月刊空手雑誌』に掲載された写真。 本土における剛柔流の組織的な道場活動は1938年に始まった。戦災により中断し戦後に復活。これらの写真は復興遂げ、生き生きとした当時の剛柔流の姿を見せてくれる。 The photos in "The monthly Karate magazine" published by Shihan Kinjo from 1956 to 1957. They are our masters and great seniors. Okinawa Goju-ryu karate was introduced from Okinawa to the mainland in 1938, was discontinued due to war damage, and was revived. These pictures show what Goju-Ryu Karate originally was. They performed throwing techniques as the name Goju-ryu. It was also integrated with Kobudo from the beginning. I,Kancho of Yuzenkai, sometimes say to my stusents that you should understand Gojuryu not only as sports but also as traditional culture which has been going on since the 14th century. The basics and Kata we practice have 500-year history. |
....On July 10 2023, 2023年7/10、アルメニアで開催された6カ国新フルコンタクト・キックボクシング大会にイラン勇善会から少年部2名かが参加し金、銀メダルに輝いた。 The new full-contact kickboxing competition in Armenia brought together athletes from six nations. In the junior division, Babak Zafaranlu (under 65 kg) and Kiyrash (under 38 kg) from Yuzenkai Iran won gold and silver medals, respectively. Shihan Hamed Zafaranlu served as the national coach for Iran. →detail 詳細 |
30 JUN2023
続報:剛でも柔でも戦える現代の剛柔流ファイターであるスペインのヨセプ・カラモンテ支部長は先般スロバキアで開催されたヨーロッパ格闘術柔術選手権大会で3つの金メダルを獲得した。 |
1/3/2023 “KENKYO-HA GOJU KARATE KEMPO—An Introduction to the Way of Karate” (ISBN 978-1-4710-1553-3) by Dr.Dyson is a significantly expanded and revised edition of the original 2011 release. イギリスの空手研究学者ダイソン博士による「謙虚派剛柔拳法-空手の道への招待」改訂増補版が刊行された。スポーツ化、WKF化によって進む空手の形骸化に対するイギリスの空手家からの警鐘ともいえる大著。 →detail詳細 |
23/9/2022 ..Announcement on the award of the Renshi title(錬士) in YUzenkai フィリップ・コンジョクラッド師範の錬士論文の受領について ..外国人がこの様なマニアックな剛柔流空手史の本を2冊も公刊するのは驚きである。著者は膨大な日本語文献を収集・解読し2018年に来日し関東と東北の各地で関係者に調査した。 著者の新機軸は1934年に沖縄から泉川寛喜が比嘉世幸および許田重発の系統の剛柔流を本土へもたらし組織的な道場活動を開始していたという歴史的事実を英文で世界へ発信したことである。以下、彼からの審査依頼文。 「私は山口剛玄 (1909 ~ 1989 年) が宮城長順 (1888 ~ 1953 年) の最も重要な弟子であり日本の剛柔流を創設したと教えられました。2008 ~ 2010 年頃、私はさらに研究し始めました。そして比嘉世幸(1898~1966年)、八木明徳(1912~2003年)、宮里栄一(1922~1999年)など宮城の他の弟子たちについて学ぶべきことがたくさんあることを発見しました。そしていくつかのビデオで山口の剛柔流と沖縄の剛柔流の明確な違いに気づき、それが私の好奇心をそそりました。2008年から2016年にかけて私はカナダで沖縄からの講師の数多くのセミナーに参加しました。 2016年に私は勇善会館長尾本師範から指導を受ける許可を頂きました。勇善会の系譜は比嘉世幸やその一番弟子の泉川寛喜にたどりつきます。私は比嘉・泉川と他の剛柔流との違いを探求し、私は比嘉系の剛柔流が最も古いバージョンを表していると確信しました。」 Shihan Filip Konjokrad (Canada) submitted his two books, “Goju-Ryu Toudi Jutsu Nyumon” (247 pages, 2017, ISBN: 978-1-387-29395-7) and “History and Stories of Goju-Ryu” (256 pages, 2018, ISBN: 978-0-359-31781-3), as his dissertation for Renshi (錬士) 5th Dan to GIKKU Yuzenkai Japan. He was awarded the Renshi title on July 26, 2022. ...Both books are rich in historical detail and showcase Konjokrad’s deep affection for Goju-Ryu, based on extensive Japanese materials and field research in Japan. I am honored to have perhaps influenced his motivation for research, as he expressed in a letter to me.
4/3/2022 Srilanka main dojo has opened with new renovation . →detail詳細. |
4/2/2022 コロナ下の厳しい状況の中ではあるが黄海中国統括の勇善会普及の努力は続き、このたびフーシュン市空手協会が設立された。 Despite the difficult situation under the coronavirus, efforts to spread Yuzen-kai continued under the control of Yellow Sea China, and the Fushun City Karate Association was established. →detail 詳細 |
1/1/2022 2021年12月18日、ヨーロッパの中世最高の刀剣の産地であるトレドで開催された全国柔術選手権でスペイン支部長ヨセプ師範は3つの金メダルを獲得した。(道着オンと道着オフ絶対無差別級) On 18 Dec 2021, in Toledo, home of the best swords in medieval European history, Shihan-Renshi Josep Claramonte,the branch chief of YUZENKAI SPAIN and Southern Europe Vice President of Yuzenkai won three gold medals in the National Jujutsu Championship. He won his two divisions (keikogi on and keikogi off) and the absolute open weight division. →detail詳細 |
17/11/2019 釵(サイ)の正しい用法について 本来は敵の武器(棒)をからめとって制圧するための護身具である。その用法について。 About the correct useage of Sai I think there are much misunderstings on usage of Sai.I guess as its shape is similar to a dagger so it is used just like a dagger. Sai originally was Okinawan police's weapon for capture the opponent with Bo.I uploaded some exersise of Sai. click the pic.→ |
2/8/2019 Kancho's essay updated 館長記事に追加 巻き藁の復権 巻藁は数百年の歴史を誇る空手の最も代表的な伝統的鍛錬具である。しかし現在では、とくに本土の多くの道場で姿を消してしまった。 Reinstatement of Makiwara q→detail詳細uivalent to excluding the essence of karate. Makiwara is the most representative and traditional training tool in karate, boasting a history that spans hundreds of years. However, today, the practice of Makiwara training has diminished in many dojos. |
19/1/2019 イラン勇善会は2019年1月19日に勇善会カップ空手道選手権大会を開催した。各流派から140名が型・組手・古武道でレベルの高い試合を繰り広げた。 The Great Yuzenkai Cup of Iran concluded successfully on January 12th. The tournament was organized under the supervision of Shihan Dr. Hamed Zafaranlou, the branch chief of Yuzenkai Iran. A total of 140 fighters competed bravely in Kata, Kobudo, and Kumite events.. →detail詳細 |
7~9/1.2019 中国勇善会主催剛柔流空手第1回研修会(遼寧省瀋陽市) The first Yuzenkai Gojuryu Karate workshop in CHINA →detail 詳細 |
23~25/11/2018 中国勇善会の黄海師範が来日し研修 Shihan Huang Hai,the branch chief of China,visited Japan Honbu.→detail 詳細 |
2/10/2018New Yuzenkai China honbu Dojo starts! 中国勇善会の専用道場が設立された。→detail 詳細 New Honbu Dojo of GIKKU Yuzenkai in Shenyang, China, managed by Saiko-shihan Huanghai. |
11/9/2018 興味深いビデオクリップ。師範錬士ヨセプ・カラモンテ (スペイン) による JION の分解デモンストレーション。 型は単なる団体型競技のパフォーマンスのためではなく実際の戦闘の文脈で理解されなければならない。 This very interesting video clip features Shihan Renshi Josep Claramonte (Spain) demonstrating the bunkai of JION. Kata must be understood in the context of real fight situations, rather than just for aesthetic performance, as emphasized in the "Analects: Knowing by Reading the Analects." This type of creative exploration will become increasingly important, and I look forward to seeing more activities from karate-ka in this field. →detail 詳細 in kancho's essey |
20/8/2018 エリク・ニルソン、ウェーデン支部長が再来日し五日間の研修を修了した。→Photo gallery Shihan Erik Nilsson, the Yuzenkai representative from Sweden, visited Japan and trained in Karate and Kobudo at Yuzenkai Honbu for five days. |
24/5/2018 10 Branch Chiefs in Yuzenkai China 黄海勇善会中国最高師範の強力なリーダーシップのもと中国全土に10名の中国勇善会分会長が決定した。 Ten dojo operators joined Yuzenkai thanks to the outstanding efforts of Saiko-Shihan Huanghai in promoting Yuzenkai across China. As a result, more than 250 students have enrolled, with some instructors teaching at multiple locations. →detail 詳細 |
26/2/2018 勇善会イランは沖縄一心流国際空手道古武道大会に参戦し金6個、銀6個、銅9個のメダルを獲得した。 The Yuzenkai Iran team achieved remarkable success at the National Tournament of Okinawa Isshin Ryu Karate Kobudo in Iran on February 24, 2018, winning 6 gold, 6 silver, and 9 bronze medals. →detail詳細 |
6/11/2017 イラン勇善会ハムド・ザファランロウ支部長がイラン国立アーヤトッラー・ハーメネー体育専門高校の校長に就任し、空手コースを設置した。 Shihan Dr. Hamed Zafaranlou, the representative of Iran Yuzenkai, has been appointed as the director of the Ayatollah Khamenei High School of Physical Education. Karate will be included in the school's physical education curriculum, and a dojo will soon be established at the high school.→detail 詳細 |
1/9/2017Kancho's essay has been updated 館長記事追加 もうひとつの剛柔流。許田重発、東恩納寛量の筆頭弟子について " The another Gojuryu?" About Juhatsu Kyoda the first disciple of Kanryo Higaonna |
1/8/2017 イラン勇善会ザファランロウ師範の制定した8つの基本型を紹介。基本型四方移動、基本型OMOTO1~OMOTO7。 Shihan Harmd Zafaranlou,the branch chief of Iran, made eight Kihon Kata named "Kihon Shiho-Ido 1~7"for members in Iran Yuzenkai.→detail詳細 |
26/5/2017 Kancho's essay has been updated 転掌の用法を会員限定サイトで公開した。 About the Tensyo: The video clip titled Detail of Tensyo and Its Training was made available on the members-only site on May 29, 2017. |
5/3/2017 友禅会スペイン支部長ジョセフ・カラモンテ師範は2016年12月に錬士学位論文を提出した。 400 ページを超える彼の論文は独自の研究と新しい発見を含んでいる。 Shihan Josep Claramonte, the branch chief of Yuzenkai Spain, submitted his Renshi (錬士) dissertation to GIKKU - Yuzenkai Japan in December 2016, which was subsequently accepted by Yuzenkai Honbu. His thesis, consisting of over 400 pages, presents original research and includes new findings in Karate studies. ⇒Downloading (430pages;2.3GB) →detail ※GIKKU awards the titles of Renshi, Kyoshi, and Hanshi to candidates based on their innovative or academic studies in Karate. |
17/8/2016 2016.8/9から8/15までスウェーデンを訪問し5日間のセミナーを行った。 Kancho Omoto visited Sweden for a training seminar from August 10 to 14, 2016. The seminar included five days for leaders and three days for general members, with each session lasting four hours. The program systematically covered the traditional fundamentals and training methods of Gojuryu, including five Katas and their Bunkai, as well as the five categories of Gojuryu techniques. Eighteen participants were awarded certificates upon completion of the seminar. |
Biography .. 館長 尾本一則 1958年生 早大大学院卒(文学修士)。元神奈川県立高校教員(定年)。教職(公民科(倫理)・空手部顧問:大会入賞指導多数)のかたわら沖縄剛柔流・沖縄古武道を海外へ指導、普及。現在12か国に支部を有する世界勇善会館長。→系譜 ..Kancho OMOTO Kazunori (1958~) has studied Okinawa Gojuryu Karate under Shihan Yoshiaki Naganuma and Isamu Kato, the last students of Kanki Izumikawa (Seiko Higa's top student) since 1974. He graduated from Waseda University in 1980 ,and completed his graduate studies in Humanities and Social Science in 1982, earning a Master of Arts degree. ..When he earned his black belt, Karate in Japan was undergoing a significant transformation, with the standardization and unification of Kata and kumite being politically promoted by the JKF. As the result, he believe that modern Goju-ryu karate was losing its fundamental principles in the movement. After that he has dedicated himself to systematic and theoretical research on Goju-ryu Karatedo, grounded in historical facts and traditions. ..After completing his M.A. degree, he worked as a high school teacher, consistently coaching karate clubs. Under his leadership, his students have achieved numerous accolades in all-Japan, metropolitan, and Pacific Ocean district competitions. ..Simultaneously, he began teaching ancient-style Gojuryu at his private dojo. From 2006 to 2007, he contributed to developing a large-scale e-learning system for high schools under the Board of Education. He also participated in an educational program for NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) as the chairman of the committee focused on high school correspondence course education. This experience that significantly influenced the Yuzenkai method. ..In 2013, he succeeded to the position of Kancho of Yuzenkai and established the "Gojuryu International Karatedo Kobudo Union" (GIKKU). At the same time, he began sharing the results of his studies with Karate-ka worldwide through the internet. ..Following his retirement, he has taken on three roles: lecturer at a high school, Kancho of Yuzenkai Japan, and Grandmaster of the Gojuryu International Karatedo Kobudo Union. He is currently writing an book in English as a culmination of his knowledge in Goju-ryu Karate.. |
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