Gojuryu Internatonal Karatedo Kobudo Unioin YUZENKAI
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Kancho's essay and article 館長エッセイ last update  19/6/2024 
  19/6/2024  Recommendations to Shihan Filip Konjokrad's recent book "Kanki Izumikawa-Legacy and Teachings of a Goju Ryu Pioneer"
  Kanki Izumikawa from Naha Okinawa had started the first Goju-ryu dojo in mainland Japan in 1939.
..The Naha-te which Chojun Miyagi named Goju-ryu, was originally theTe of a kinship clan group that included Higaonna Kanryo, like other Te in Okinawa. Persons related to this bloodline included Seiko Higa, Juhatsu kyoda and Kanki Izumikawa.Kanki learned Goju-ryu from Juhatsu Kyoda and Seiko Higa. So his Goju-ryu has old combative elements as Okinawan martial arts and has some differences from famous Miyagi's Gojuryu.
According to official records, Kyoada was the first to publicly demonstrate Suparinpei in Okinawa (1939reference), and his disciple Kanki was the first to publicly demonstrate Suparinpei in mainland Japan. (1941reference)
 宮城長順が本土向けに剛柔流と名付けた那覇手の一派は、沖縄の手はそういうものであったが、もともと東恩納寛量らの血縁的氏族集団の伝承手であった。(金城昭夫「空手伝真録」)許田重発、比嘉世幸、泉川寛喜はその身内であった。 許田は東恩納門下の筆頭として1939年に沖縄でスーパーリンペーの最初の公開演武を行い、彼の弟子の泉川は1941年に神奈川県鶴見でスーパーリンペーの本土初の公開演武を行った。公的な記録から確認できる歴史的事実である。
..Although Kanki produced many students and groups after1939, he sadly passed away in 1967 at the age of 59.If he had lived longer, the world of Goju-ryu would have been different. .. ..This book features 18 Goju-ryu persons including Juhatsu Kyoda. Some of them are well known in 20th century in Japan and unfortunately 15 persons already passed away.
There is an important historical significance that the famous Miyagi Chojun and Gogen Yamaguchi do not appear in this book.This is a research book on the history of Goju-ryu from a new perspective.
 泉川は1939年に本土初の剛柔流道場を立ち上げ戦後にかけて多くの逸材や会派を輩出したが惜しくも 1967年に59歳で他界した。長命であれば今日の剛柔流の世界は違ったものになったであろう。
.. 本書には許田重発を筆頭に18名の人物が登場する。すでに15名は他界。そしてこの本には有名な宮城長順や山口剛玄は登場しない。これまで語られてこなかった視点からの剛柔流史研究書である。

..Nowaday their next generation is a minority.But they are positive,diverse and active.Some have assimilated into WKF-JKF, some have investigated a Gojuryu by Aiki-Jujutsu,some have shifted their focus to Kobudo, some have developed a Gojuryu into Bougu karate (karate with protective gear) and conbat karate,and some have continued his old-fashioned Okinawa Karate on a small scale.They can be said to be the antithesis of the recent trend towards WKF. From the view point of the essence of Goju-ryu, it can be said to be a normal evolution.
..There are two Japanese proverbs "A famous master is not necessarily the real master'' and "Even if you are three years late in starting your training, find the right master.''
A master who has formed a huge organization through political and financial power is not necessarily a true master.
...This book reveals much of the history of Goju-ryu karate toward World for the first time.The same is true for Japanese Goju-ryu karateka.There are no similar book in Japan. This is a valuable book for people who want to think about what was and shold be Goju-ryu Karate. →Amazon 
  27/12/2023 加藤勇、勇善会の祖の一人 その伝説と偉業
The legend & the achievements of Isamu. Kato
,the founder of Yuzenkai
Isamu Kato(加藤勇:1941-2023)was born in Tokyo. Graduated from Hosei University. When he was a high school student ,he began learning karate from Kanki Izumikawa(泉川寛喜), the first disciple of Seiko Higa(比嘉世幸),and directly instructed from him .
加藤勇は1941年東京生れ。法政大学卒。高校生の時、泉川寛喜範士に入門。(那覇出身。宮城長順没後の剛柔流の筆頭である比嘉世幸の一番弟子で本土最古の剛柔流道場を開設)photo;Kanki Izumikawa and Isamu Kato 1963
 ..He won the 1st place of kata at the 1st East Japan Karate championship held by Nippon Karatedo Rengokai(Japan karatedo union)in 1963 . At that time, due to various circumstances, it was not possible to hold a national championship of different ryuhas. JKF was established in 1964 and its first national championship was held in 1969.So the East Japan Tournament was the top-level competition at that time. His kumite was too practical and he often lost due to foul play, but in the 3rd tournament in 1965 he came in the 3rd place in kumite. However, had it not been for the referee's misjudgment, he might have 1st place. 
 ..Kato said “Kata has the meaning only if it is utilized in not only an real combat but also a kumite competition.He always said,"Kata techniques were meaningless unless they can be used in actual combat and in kumite competitions.'' and he studied carefully how to use kata techniques, and actually use them in competition.He instructed his juniors, “Research the kata technique so that it can be used according to your physique.''
 Training camp under shihan Isamu Kato
kama(鎌).................................... ....sai(釵)...........bou(棒術)
  At that time, Kumite competition had a wide range of permissible techniques, unlike the current WKF-JKF rules. It was a risky kumite competition, with no safety protectors and throwing and breaking techniques allowed.There was no sitei Kata either, so karate athletes were able to enter with traditional style kata they were practicing at several dojos.
 ..In his combat karate, kihon, kata, bunkai, kumite and kobudo were all one.From around 1980, sports karate was rapidly expanding by JKF which started thinking about the Olympics.
 Unlike universities, high schools, and business clubs, people came to town dojos for practical training and traditional Budo. Therefore, this change brought about various conflicts for both those giving guidance and those receiving instruction.
 At the same time Kato became busy carrying on the family business and his other life's work, motocross. His karate activity moved to his home garage dojo named "Kappou-kai";活法会 .This name means "The dojo the truth of karate utilizes ". Whenever he met with his junior shihan Naganuma, their topic was always "What is real karate?"The letter "Yu;勇" in "Yuzenkai;勇善会" comes from the kanji of Isamu Kato's name, isamu(勇).Yuzenkai have inherited Kato's ideal karate, which organically combines fundamentals, kata, bunkai, kumite, and kobudo, and are continuing to training.
..  彼は基本、型、組手、実戦、武器が連携した空手を志向したが、1980年前後からJKF(全日本空手道連盟)はオリンピック競技化を志向し、型の指定形化を推進し組手も流派色の出せない様式に変化した。大学や高校、実業団と違い町道場は競技よりも固有の伝統や実戦目的で集まる。これを転機に彼は経営者、モトクロス競技者そして独自の空手会派"活法会"(真の空手を活かす会)へ活躍の場をシフトした。そこから長沼善秋師範が勇善会を立ち上げた。会の名称は加藤勇の"勇"と長沼善秋の"善"から名づけた。
  A young day shihan Naganuma,the founder of Yuzenkai, practiced together Isamu Kato.Please pay attention to Naganuma Shihan's unique kamae. This is a kamae not for competion but for actual combat.
 Left: With busen Arakawa, shihan of Ryukyu kobudo and the founder of Sohkan-ryu Sohssekon-do "Nunchaku". Right: At Nippon Budokan.

右:日本武道館にて選手団と 1967年
 Memories of Isamu Kato Dialogue with Shihan Naganuma
 加藤勇師範の思い出 対談 長沼師範&尾本
Do you know what led Isamu Kato to start karate?
..He practiced Judo when he was a junior high school student. One time, he got into a fight with a friend who practiced karate ,and lost. Apparently, he joined the karate dojo because he thought karate was stronger than judo.

. .What kind of karateka was Kato? 加藤先輩はどんな空手家でしたか?
He was respected by others because he had proven records in Kata and Kumite.Kato was kumite 3rd place in the 1965 competition.
I witnessed the match.The bandage on Kato's hand came undone during the kumite. He was momentarily distracted by it. At that moment, the opponent scored a point. According to the rules, the referee had to say "yame"at the moment the bandage came undone.If it wasn't for that, I think isamu Kato might have 1st place.
..He was good at using his long legs to kick opponents in the flank and able to use throwing and breaking techniques of gojuryu kata in kumite competitions.Unlike today, the rules 60 years ago were lax. It was a kumite with bare hands and no protecter, and it was possible to use throwing techniques, and the rules were rough.
.In dojo,he was good instractor, and helped his juniors achieve of competition.He was a friendly even in private life.
Did he have any other style matches or street fights?
.加藤先輩は昭和にありがちな他流試合とかストリートファイトなどもやったのですか? ..At that time, the dojos had an atmosphere of freedom in which member could practice another Budo and martial arts.So some person openly practiced another Budo. But when they spoke or acted in a way that denyed karate,Kato said them "Prove it by defeating me!'' And he beat them up so thoroughly. There were some budo-kas who never came to the dojo. Kato thought the gojuryu karate was No.1.

Kamata town ,the downtown of Tokyo we lived was unsafe. It's a town where yakuza also live. He had rarely used karate on the street for self defense and to help others.He once received a commendation from the police for rescuing a woman from violence.He were also passionate about studying Bou, Sai, Nunchaku, Kama to fight against the japanese sword.


..Those who want to become stronger gathered at Kato's garage dojo. Members from other schools also came there.The garage dojo named "Kappou-kai;the dojo the truth of karate utilizes ". Even in his later years, whenever I met him, he would lament modern sports karate and passionately say, "This is what real karate is!''
 What is your fondest memory of you and Kato?

  Kato also taught at a community center in Kamata,Tokyo. I first joined there. One month after joining, he appointed me as a student leader. I asked him, “Why me?'' he complimented me and said “You have leadership skills.'' That is my happiest memory.
 彼は蒲田でも教えていた。私は最初はそこに通ったんだ。1か月もしないうちに練習生のリーダーに指名された。先に入っていた人もいるのに 「なぜ私なのですか?」と尋ねたら「君はリーダーシップがあるから」と褒められた。これが一番嬉しかった思い出です。23/11/2023 Tokyo →reference
 4/11/2023 “From Toude (唐手)to Karate(空手)”' by H. Kinjo(金城裕)
 In 1905, in Okinawa, ankou Itosu (糸洲安恒)created “Pinan1-5'' for educational purposes by replacing anti-social techniques in old Kata with safe techniques . And adding Naifanchi-syodan, Passai-Dai, Passai-Syo, Kusanku-Dai, Kusanku-Syo, Chito, and Gojushiho, were used as teaching materials 14katas. This was the beginning of modern Karate.
Itosu said "Karate's essence is respect for humanity and the spirit of peace. It does not advertise one-hit-kill or anti-social behavior.
Karate was created by Itosu and Okinawa Prefectural Office of Education for school education. Later gichin Funakoshi was changed Katas names at Tokyo. For example, Pinan was changed to Heian.
Just as Judo is a physical education created for education by jigoro Ka’nou(嘉納治五郎)rather than a combination of the old Jujutsu, Karate is a physical education created for education by ankou Itosu .In other words, modern Karate is a descendant of Itosu's educational karate. The essence of Syotokan, Wado and Shito which,Karate born in Japan mainland also were education Karate.

photo;Ankou Itosu and syuhachi Okubo the principal, teachers, and students of Okinawa Daiichi secondary school at the time.
 However, Itosu's ideal had some limits. For example, Nahate was not linked to his activity.
When Kanryo Higaonna (東恩納寛量)attended the meeting of the Okinawa Board of Education in 1905, an official told him ”Nahate's Sanchin is not appropriate for education.”
Higaonna got angry and left the meeting. After that Nahate went in a different direction from Itosu's educational karate.
Later Chojun Miyagi changed the trajectory of Goju-ryu to educational karate when he taught Goju-ryu to University of mainland. So the Goju-ryu Chojun Miyagi taught in Okinawa is different from the Goju-ryu he taught in university of mainland Japan.
 jigoro Ka’nou(Judo founder) was an elite graduate of the Tokyo University, the principal of Tokyo University of Education, a bureaucrat in the Ministry of Education, and had strong political power over Japanese school education system.
To be honest, in the 19th and early 20th centuries, Okinawa was discriminated against by mainland Japan. The Shihans of Karate, who are famous to us, were unknown in Japan, had no political power or financial resources, and were exposed to curiosity and prejudice everywhere.There was no political support for them.Their effort based on their own personal funds. In them it seems that there was also some Shihans with a questionable background.
  ..At the roundtable of the Ryukyu newspaper in 1936,a reporter pointed out to even choki Motobu.“Isn't your karate something you created yourself?''
Participants in this discussion were great member,chotoku Kyan(喜屋武朝徳), choumo Hanashiro(花城長茂), choki Motobu(本部朝基), juhatsu Kyoda(許田重発), chojun Miyagi(宮城長順), makoto Gima(儀間真謹), and choshin Chibana(知花朝信).
At this they discussed and agreed that when disseminating karate to the mainland, it should be an educational karate and not teach anti-social techniques. Today there are false theories circulating about this agreement. It is a strange theory "They agreed that not to tell the secrets of Kata to mainlanders." When I have a chance, I would like to post the full translation of the meeting records on this site.
 ..After the defeat in World War II, Okinawa came under the administration of the US military until 1972, and as a result, Okinawa became “a foreign country'' both near and far to mainland Japan.
The group around Shihan came from Okinawa before the war was intertwined with the desire for fame, sports interests, and factional conflicts, and while advocating the great unity of karate, the school fragmented and expanded in the opposite sense.
There was no way that Japan could have taken the leadership of overseas karate.
..In his book, Kinjo criticizes JKF, Japan Karate federation. ” The four powers are only thinking about balancing each other's interests. In order to share Kata around the world, it is essential to research the origin of the Kata names and explain their intentions, but JFK does not even try to do that."  (refer→)
"Karate is not equal Chinese martial arts Kempo.Chinese Kempo which introduced to Okinawa became Karate by okinawanized several hundred years.Today certain Chinese Kempo exists in Okinawa.
Can we call them Karate? "

..Sihan Kinjo's "From Toude to Karate'' is a research book that should be introduced to the world, so I will continue to introduce it.
 ..The second from the right in the back is hiroshi Kinjo.1956.
The members were famous Shihans from various schools.
At this they tried to cooperate with each other but...

the back/masatosihi Nakayama、hirokazu Kanazawa□□sosui Icikawa□seiken Syukumine□□□hiroshi Kinjo□
the front/Kanki Izumikawa,makoto Gima□tatsuo Yamada□kanken Toyama□□
yasuhiro Konishi

Mas.Oyama and Kinjo.........sukenao Higa(Syorin-ryu)and Kinjo
Book review to "KENKYO-HA GOJU KARATE KEMPO-an Introduction to the Way of Karate"(ISBN978-1-4710-1553-3)
 →download(PDF:The author made his work freely available)
..There are many schools of karate, but none have been the subject of historical, theoretical and philosophical research as much as Goju-ryu.
..But ,with great regret, in Japan young people who aspire to karate are not interested in karate as a martial art. Their only concern is kumite game and kata game for high scores in high school and college competitions .What's even more surprising is that they don't even know that karate was an Okinawan martial art in the first place, and have no interest in it.
  Example of karate books commonly sold in 20th century Japan.
 ..It was common for karate books to contain extremely practical content.(Left: 1978 "Introduction to Karatedo" by Kuranosuke Kimura" / Right: 1967 "Dynamic Karate" by Mas Oyama")
..There are no books like this today.I(kancho of Yuzenkai) do'nt intend to completely deny competitive karate, but I fear that the essence of traditional karate will be lost. If so, I would even think that competitive karate represented by the Olympics would do a lot of harm.Karate is a martial art, a Zen, a philosophy, a health technique, and a way of self-cultivation.Dr. Dyson's book teaches that to the Japanese.
Apart from yuzenkai-dojo, I ( Kancho) had tought at high school karate clubs. School karate is under JKF. But I teach yuzenkai style at the same time. It is for posterity.
Book review to Shihan Filip Konjokrad's Renshi dissertation
...It is a surprise , a pleasure thing to see a foreigner who is interested in a history of karate.At the frist,I would like to give my greatest compliments to the author, Shihan Filip Konjokrad 's enthusiasm for collecting and reading a large amount of Japanese literature. In addition, he came to Japan in 2018 and interviewed the concerned persons. .
  I (Kancho of Yuzenkai)think this kind of book could not have published in Japan. It can be said this fruit could only have been achieved in English by foreigner at abroad . There are too much reasons behind Japanese karate world that should be kept quiet, just like the world of politics.
 ..The following is the description by the author in Amazon store.
"Goju-Ryu Toudi Jutsu Nyumon is an introduction to Goju-Ryu Karate, one of the major styles of Karate in the world. It focuses on the Seiko Higa-Kanki Izumikawa lineage of Goju-Ryu. ....Many important topics are covered including: history of the art, biographies of key individuals, training methods, the bubishi and overviews of the kata. Other related styles such as Tou'on-Ryu, Ryuei-Ryu and Kojo-Ryu are discussed as well. The author introduces much new information which was not previously available to a wider audience. Several essays written by Chojun Miyagi 宮城長順(1888-1953)along with other pieces of oral history are included at the back. ..The book is packed with historical photographs from the author's personal collection, some of which have never been made public before. This book is sure to be enjoyed by all enthusiasts of Karate."
.."History and Stories of Goju-Ryu" tells the history of Goju-RyuKarate through biographies of its major historical figures. This book introduces for the first time, information on many prominent and lesser known historical figures of Goju-Ryu karate that was not previously available in English.The book is the result of intensive research by the author and translations
of many notes, articles and pages from other books such as the Okinawan Karate Kobuo Jitten. This book covers all the major lineages of Goju-Ryu and it is one of the most complete and up to date accounts of Goju-Ryuhistory published up until now. This will surely be a "must have"for all serious practitioners of Goju-Ryu Karate and Okinawan Karate asa whole who are interested in learning more about the people that had arole in its teaching and propagation.
..His two books have critical biographies of over 60 people involved in the formation of Gojuryu. 

..What is unique about the his research is a respect with the "Seiko Higa1898-1966(比嘉世幸)~Kanki Izumikawa1908-1967(泉川寛喜)"lineage which started dojo activities in 1930's earlier than Gogen Yamaguchi1909-1989(山口剛玄)'s GojuKai.
(added by Yuzenkai)

A photo of Okinawan hanshi Higa Seiko published in Monthly Karate in 1956. Okinawa was under American occupation until 1972, and travel to and from Japan was difficult. Kakufa's bunkai instruction.
(added by Yuzenkai)

"The lineage of Gojuryu is Sensei kanryo Higaonna→Sensei chojun Miyagi→Sensei seiko Higa→Me. Sensei Higa is a disciple of Sensei Higaonna with Sensei Miyagi.They are brother disciples of Sensei Higaonna.
Now, Sensei Higaonna and Sensei Miyagi have passed away, and only Sensei Higa is working hard to teach the next generation as the chairman of the Gojuryu Okinawa Promotion Association in distant Okinawa, the birthplace of karate. "
May 1, 1957
"Monthly Karatedo magazine No.5; 昭和32年月刊空手道第2巻7号(added by Yuzenkai)

..Needless to say, Seiko Higa was Kanryo Higaonna1853-1895(東恩納寛量)'s direct student and Chojun Miyagi's senior student.Kanki Izumikawa was Juhatsu Kyoda(許田重発)'s direct student and Seiko Higa's senior student, and firstry introduced Okinawan Gojuryu to Japan mainland.
The persons the author mentions belong to the lineage were Sosui Ichikawa1924-2005(市川素水), Busen Arakawa1929-2016(荒川武仙), Hyotarou Harada1934-1998(原田彪太郎), Tadahiko Ootuka1940-2012(大塚忠彦), Keisetsu Yoshimaru1931-2014(吉丸慶雪), Kanbun Izumikawa(泉川寛文)1943-1982, Katsuya Izumikawa 1944~(泉川勝也)and Yoshiaki Naganuma1944~(長沼善秋:Kazunori Omoto's teacher).Perhaps it is the frist time, some of them published to the world.
  .The author talks.
" I also believe Seiko Higa’s Goju-Ryu represents the oldest version.There is a fundamental difference between the Goju-Ryu taught by Miyagi's line vs Higa's. Miyagi's Goju-Ryu was more focused on physical education, especially after the war. It was primarily for exercise and to make the person stronger. Miyagi actually stopped teaching the applications to the kata after war. Higa however always taught Goju-Ryu as a martial art, applications included.
  He talkes."At that time I didn’t know much about other schools of Goju-Ryu or students of Chojun Miyagi. We were taught that Gogen Yamaguchi was his most important student and founded Japanese Goju-Ryu.Around 2008-2010 I began more research into Goju-Ryu and realised there is much more out there. I learned more about the other students of Chojun Miyagi like Seiko Higa, Meitoku Yagi 1912-2003(八木明徳)and Eiichi Miyazato1922-1999(宮里栄一). By watching some videos, I also saw that Yamaguchi’s Goju has some big differences from Okinawan Goju-Ryu. "
  "In the end Higa did not really care for the spotlight. Neither did Izumikawa or many of the others. Their way of practicing went against the trends of the time. Most karate in Japan has long since gone into the sport direction. When Izumikawa died in 1967 almost all the karate on Japan was the sport version."
 The author also realizes that Higa Seko Goju-ryu is not equal to Izumikawa Kanki Goju-ryu. Izumikawa is not only a disciple of Higa but also Kyoda Juhatsu許田重発(1887-1968), and the author has been confirmed through field research that Izumikawa's Gekisai Nidan and Sanseru have strong similarities with Kyoda's Karate (東恩流:Touon-ryu).
..The author's interest then turns to the mystery of the origin of Kata.Goju-ryu is a historically new Okinawan karate. However, there are many mysteries about the origin. It seems to be deliberately silent.He seems to have taken a great deal of interest in solving the mystery.
..As is well known, Kanryo Higaonna trained three famous students. Chojun Miyagi, Juhatsu Kyoda and Seiko Higa. Juhatsu Kyoda later took the name Touon-Ryu. Touon is another pronunciation of Higaonna. Kyoda had appealed he was a direct successor of Kanryo Higaonna. According to recent research, Kanryo Higaonna had only four kata from which Gojuryu is derived: Sanchin, Sesan, Sanseiru and Petturin.(Moreover Petturin and Suparinpei are not the same Kata)It’s usually said Kanryo Higaonna taught nine kata to Chojun Miyagi but "this is almost certainly false. So where did the others come from?"
.The following article are excerpt of his covera.
 "Tetsuhiro Hokama, a well known Goju Ryu teacher said before in an interview that Chojun Miyagi created Saifa kata. I also heard from a direct student of Seikichi Toguchi that Saifa was created by Miyagi. It’s possible Chojun Miyagi saw and learned some lion fist boxing in China and then created Saifa kata based on this. "..
. "The author heard a story from a student of Tadahiko Ohtsuka that Chojun Miyagi created Shisochin kata.It was based on the Tomari Te techniques of Seiyu Nakasone, a famous Tomari Te master. He was a close friend of Chojun Miyagi and Seiko Higa."
.."Recently, there was an interview published in the Okinawa times with Sadayuki Taira, a senior student of Meitoku Yagi. In this article, Sadayuki Taira said that Chojun Miyagi created Seipai kata. (The author was the first person to translate the article into English and published it on the his website .)"
  In a book written by Morinbu Itoman in 1934 called Toudi Jutsu no Kenkyu ,he called Kururunfa “Hanashiro no Kururunfa. "Does Kururunfa have something to do with Shuri Te master Chomo Hanashiro? Maybe Chomo Hanashiro taught this kata to Chojun Miyagi. "
  ..I (Kancho of Yuzenkai)had finished reading his books with a sense of nostalgia to my youth...Despite a few mistranslations and typos, and biases derived from the position of several interviewee, I found it very satisfying to read through.
  Besides the Yuzenkai activity, I am involved in some high school karate clubs. In Japan, Karate at school education is, of course, WKF /JKF style. Is..it an exaggeration to say that “Goju-ryu as a martial art” will become an endangered species in Japan mainland? I discovered the possibility of overseas enthusiasts by his books.
 He also investigated the relationship between Goju-ryu and Ryuei-ryu. It is interesting to note that Seiko Higa taught Goju-ryu to Kenko Nakaima, the fourth generation of Ryuei-ryu, and learned Ryuei-ryu Kobudo instead.
Higa's Gojury, including Genki Go's Kakufa, Matayoshi's Kobudo and Tomari-te's Kata(Aragaki no Unsu), is very interesting as a research subject.

..The author's research on the new history of Goju-ryu karate serves us three points of view for reconsidering Goju-ryu karate.One is the Nahate of the consanguineous group of Higaonna, Higa, Kyoda and Izumikawa.Another one is the Nahate that Chojun Miyagi invented and named Goju-ryu Karate and taught to university students skip dangerous techniques on the mainland.Another two is the Nahate in a broad sense, including Tomarite, Ryuei-ryu, and Uechi-ryu.
2/8/2019 Reinstatement of Makiwara巻き藁の復権
..Makiwara is the representative and most traditional training tool of karate with the history of hundreds of years.
But today ,we lost the sight of Makiwara training at not a few dojo. Was it replaced by modern training equipment? The answer is “No”.Because it is irrelevant to the competition,the moderncompetition sport Karate has eliminated Makiwara from dojo .This is equivalent
to excluding the essence of karate.
The graph talks about this. The impulse with two peaks shows the features of Karate’s tsuki.
 So to speak, it is the wave that penetrates the body.The boxing punch has a momentary impetus.Of course, that's not the question of whether boxing or Karate is stronger. Karate has been developed as a technique to defeat the enemy various situations such as beache, ship, wilderness and slope.Karate’s tsuki’s force finally mages spine and or medulla .
Makiwara training is the best way to get the force. And we validate it
by tamesihi-wari.
This type tsuki is the essence of Karate. We can say that present sports
Karate (whether it is full-contact or WKF), lacks in original essence of
.During Makiwara training , we does not pull the fist as soon as the fist hits Makiwara.
We push the fist further with the movement of the scapula. While feeling the load of Makiwara, our fist comes back naturally with the repulsive force of Makiwara.
We can understand that Karate's tsuki is a whole-body movement by Makiwara
(The video is played by clicking on the photo.)
Karate's original tsuki can not be found in any way other than Makiwara.Kata's realism is added by Makiwara training.Would you like to "rediscover"Makiwara too?I want to mention that Karate understands the human body as a liquid nota solid.
..At the end, Karate's tsuki is mainly an extensor movement. In boxing punches the movement of the flexors looks a big element.The shocking force of boxing comes from the destructive force of sudden changes in the speed of the fist (the speed of switching from positive to negative).
The principles of both are similar but different.
How to make homemade Makiwara

24/3/2018 reviced 26/9/2024
 Bushi Matsumura were taught Karate by Chinese beggar?
...Makoto Gima (儀間真謹1896-1989) ,the greatest comrade of Gichin Funakoshi,reported the legend of Kojo-Ryu(湖城流) of Okinawa as follow.
"Around1860, one of the castaways called Chan Nan lived in the cave of Tomari cemetery .He was a mystery person, but the high level Chinese martial arts master."
He was mentioned in the book written by Choki Motobu(本部朝基1870-1944),too. In the book, his name is written "禅南;Sian lam"in kanji.
..Actually, Sokon Matsumura (松村宗棍1809-1899), Anko Itosu (糸洲安恒1831-1915), Chotoku Kyan (喜屋武朝徳1870-1945), Kousaku Matsumora (松茂良興作1829-1898),Kenri Nakaima (仲井間憲里1819-1879) and others(Shiroma城間,Kinjo金城,Oyadomari親泊,Yamasato山里,Nakasato仲里) paid the tuition to him and learned martial arts.
..As a result, the bad rumor spread" Bushi Matsumura was taught Karate by a beggar" .So it has been concealed the existence of Chan Nan until recently in the history of Karate.But, by a recent study, this beggar figure martial artist was proved to be a great benefactor of Karate.
..It is said that Kata he introduced into Okinawa is Naifanchi(Tekki),Passai(Bassai),Chinto(Gankaku),Pinan(Heian),Chinte,Jiin,Jitte.
The Heian(Pinan) was named Channan at first. Anko Itosu (糸洲安恒) renamed Channan to Pinan.Furthermore, Gichin Funakoshi(船越義珍1868-1957) renamed Channan to Heian.
..Chan Nan disappeared suddenly and moved to Taiwan. Kyan Chotoku went to Taiwan in pursuit of him and learned "Ananko" from him.
..On earth who was Chan Nan?There is one study that he was a high level leader of the " Taiping Rebellion(1850-1864)" by the Christian in China.Paiku , Heiku and Anan have the same opening movement (ten-chi-no-kamae:kamae of heaven and earth)...Generally, the opening movement of Kata stores away various messages and memory.
..Another Chinese masters who had influenced on Te were as follows.
①Ku syan ku;クーサンクー(Kun seng kong;拳聖公)→Toude Sakugawa(唐手佐久川)
②Wong daa hing(王打興;ワイシンザン;Wai Shinzan; Wang Shifu 王師父; Wang dang ngok王登岳)→Sokon Matsumura(松村宗棍)、Sesyo Aragaki(新垣世璋)
③Sian lam(禅南;チャンナン)→Anko Itosu(糸洲安恒)
18/9/2017 The historical movement that remains in Kata
"The most weak point was the topknot"
..Until about 150 years before, a man's hair-style in East Asia was "the topknot".The shapes of the topknot are different by country and times.(In Japan ,high temperature and humidity, the samurai shaved the part except the topknot to prevent his head from hot flashes by the helmet(kabuto).)The topknot was proof of the full-fledged man and was a pride.
..Of course, Okinawan too.But, the topknot was the biggest weak point in the barehanded (Karate)battle.
 In the battle, it meant death that the topknot was caught by the enemy.
So, it was alway necessary for Karate- ka to be careful with his back of head .So, there is Kata which the to protect his topknot to the enemy of the rear is seen in.This is the throwing technique.But the left hand "ura-uke" turns in the back of head and serves as the defense of my back of head (position of the topknot) to the enemy of the rear.セーパイのこの投げの挙動には手を後頭部へ回して背後から髷が敵に掴まれないようにする歴史的動作が残っている。

..The left photos are from Saifa.This movement protect my back of head , too.Interestingly, this Kata has the historic movement to haul in topknot of the enemy with a forefinger and the middle finger.In Kata which you learn, is the movement to protect the back of the head by a hand not found? 同様に瞬間的に髷を守るサイファの挙動。なお、興味深いことに、この型には人差し指と中指で敵の髷を根元からひっかけて手繰り寄せる歴史的挙動も残っている。
" Tribute to the Shihan Josep Claramonte's challenge to the MMA"
 My main occupation is the high school teacher.The high school of Japan usually has Judo club, and there are some black belt students and the strong pro coach.I had fought against them willingly. Iit was easy to find "the partner".Of course I did not use tsuki and keri .But most of my technique maybe was the violation in Judo. I maybe troubled Judo-ka not a little.But those experiences became the hints to solve the mysteries of Gojuryu and brushup my Karate skill.( Famous Gojuryu-Karateka were almost strong Judo-Ka at the same time.)
...Karate is sometimes said to be the final "Bujutsu武術" in Japan.(The word "Bujuts" is often used for "the earlier state of Budo武道".)The training of Bujuts is including "the battle under no rule" and or"the battle with plural enemies having the weapons".(The training of Budo makes much of mind and a form and courtesy.)I also think Karate is "Budo" and also is "Bujutsu".So karate should do the training to fight with plural enemies and or the fight with the weapon even now.
..The technique of Karate is the product of the lawless combat in old Okinawa.But, naturally the limitation from the times exists.In that time, boxing and wrestling were not known in Okinawa.We must know that the technique of Karate was made in the premise.Much more,the innovation of the modern martial art is constantly advancing.
..I think it also will be a good experience to fight with Mixed Martial Arts.This is because we are too ignorant about MMA.But It is for purpose that is not merely for victory.A tennis player cannot win in the badminton game with a badminton player.But the tennis player may know some big hint.
In the case of Karate
,who survives in the situation that there is no rule.Of course it is the impossible situation in the peaceful times.

..I got the email from Shihan Josep Claramonte,the brnch chief of Yuzenkai China,this time.
..."I took a chance and I steeped into a MMA cage to do a pro fight.No, I do not try to be a MMA fighter but this was something I had to do. It's difficult to explain, but I feel like putting myself in the line of harm will help me to develop a better understanding of Karate.Maybe this is the only time I do it, but still, it has helped me to understand myself better. I lost the fight, to a stronger opponent, but I gained much from the experience.Now, time to reevaluate my Karate and keep on training."

..I was moved by his action. And I replied to him.
"I fully support the attitude to your Karate.And I am proud of you.I admire your courage, challenge spirit and desire for truth.The fight in the rule of MMA is very disadvantageous to Karate.The minute hand and or finger attack including Sei-ken,Ura-ken,Ippon-ken,Nuki-te,Kami-te,Syotei,Keikou-ken,Nodowa etc. are almost blockaded by the glove.The opponent may know Karate by his past experience.But you do not know MMA in detail.I like your word.I feel like putting myself in the line of harm will help me to develop a better understanding of Karate.I think that you become a pioneer of new Karate."
..The principle of the movement is totally different in the Karate's tsuki by the barehand and the punch by the glove hand.So tsuki of Karate largely loses the power when we attach the gloves.And it is fatal for Karate that the attack ,the defense and the throwing by using the finger are impossible.
..But he jumped into the enemy land (the cage ring and MMA rule)without the background knowledge and experience, and he fought hard well.Shihan Josep Claramonte said "I lost the fight, to a stronger opponent, but I gained much from the experience.Now, time to reevaluate my Karate and keep on training." ....I moved again.
⇒External links
Round 1 ......Round2......Shihan Josep Claramonte's blog.
1/9/2017 " The another Gojuryu?" .
..Juhatsu Kyoda the first disciple of Kanryo Higaonna
..Needless to say,the main origin of Gojuryu is the Nahate of Kanryo Higaonna (11853~1915). Chojun Miyagi (1888~1953)added his study and innovation to Higaonna's Karate.Then he founded Gojuryu and developed it to the world wide Karate. I think the modification, the system and Kata which Miyagi added to Higaonna's Nahate was too big. In terms of the originality and the rationality , Miyagi was genius. photo:Kyoda Juhatsu,Chojun Miyagi,Kanryo Higaonna
..On the other hand, Kanryo Higaonna had another faithful disciple. He was Juhatsu Kyoda (1887~1968). He was the senior of Chojun Miyagi. Kyoda was a conservative, and adherence the Naha-te of Kanryo Higaonna. And he did not have any Dojo and recruit any disciples publicly . I would like to talk to you about Juhatsu Kyoda who is not much mentioned in the history of Gojuryu. photo;young Juhatsu Kyoda

..Juhatsu Kyoda was born in 1887. Father is Juko Kyoda, and he is the friend of Kanryo Higaonna.The nickname of Kyoda was "Stahchi". The meaning is elder brother like a small barrel. He learned at Syuri secondary school.Chomo Hanashiro(1869~1945) was the teacher of physical education at the school, and Anko Itosu was Shihan of the karate club in this school.After graduate, he entered the college of education.Kenstu Yabu (1866~1937)was the teacher of the Courage.At this time, Kyoda learned "Jion" from Yabu. photos;Anko Itosu,Kenstu Yabu,Chomo Hanashiro
..Kyoda found the job in Naha Elementary School in 1913. Gichin Fnakkoshi (1868~1957) was the co-worker in this school.In other words, Kyoda had friendship with eminent people of Okinawa Karate at the time.Until the death (1915) of Kanryo Higaonna, Kyoda had been instructed by Higaonna.By the way, Kata of Higaonna is only four: Sanchin,Sesan, Sanseiru,Betturin(According to Kyoda, the opinion that Bettyurin is the alias of Suparinpei is a mistake.).
..The house of Miyagi was the business magnate of the Chinese medicine.So he was able to devote himself only to a study and development of Gojuryu throughout a life.On the other hand, Juhatsu Kyoda was a school teacher by nature.
..It is the famous fact that only Kyoda learned Sanseru from Kanryo Higaonna while Miyagi left from Okinawa to military service in 1909.Kyoda had failed the conscription inspection. Because his height was too low.Miyagi felt bitter about it very much. It is unknown who taught Sanseru to Miyagi.
 Kyoda became the principal of Tomari elementary school in 1934. He became Shihan of the Karate club of the Naha secondary school at the same time.
 Around 1926,the Okinawa Karate club was established in Wakasa town in Naha.The representative was Choyu Motobu (1867~1930). Chojun Miyagi, Kenwa Mabuni (1889~1952), Kenki Go (1886~1940), Juhatsu Kyoda and other comrade gathered to the club, and they studied Karate and taught it.
Choyu Motobu was from the royal family and was the Karate expert. Perhaps because of it, he knew a lot of unknown Kata. According to the record of the Motobu side, Miyagi was taught some unknown Kata by Choyu Motobu in this club.
..It is unknown when and where Miyagi learned Saifa,Seienchi,
Shisouchin,Kururunfa,Suparinpei.I suppose that it was the time of this Karate club that he could do it.And I think Miyagi added those new Kata to the list of his Gojuryu.Kenki Go taught to Miyagi the Kakufa, and taught to Kyoda the Nepai.
..I think this club was the water source of most of rare Kata which we sometimes see. photo;Choyu Motobu

"Tsuji" area at that time.The downtown where the Karate guys played "kake-dameshi" (street fight for testing his arm).

Naha Port at the time.
The harbor which was unexpectedly modern .
..In 1941, Japan participated in World War II.Kyoda, reached the retiring age around the same time.He moved to Beppu-city of Oita of Kyushu before Okinawa became the tragic battlefield.After World War II, US.army occupied Japan. Also Beppu city was occupied by the one of them.
..One day Kyoda was attacked in downtown by two U.S. soldiers.He overthrew two people by technique of Bunkai of Sesan in an instant.They might have despised this small-sized old man.
..In 1953, Chojun Miyagi died. That time, a biggest sect of Gojuryu thought to assign Kyoda to the top authority instead of Miyagi.Kyoda required to change the name of Gojuryu to Touon-Gojuryu.Touon is the Chinese reading of the kanji "Higaonna". Of course it was impossible. In short, he declined it.
..Kyoda had criticized that Gojuryu of Miyagi greatly had changed Karate of Kanryo Higaonna.He had emphasized that Suparinpei of Gojuryu and Betturin of Kanryo Higaonna was different.(So, in Yuzenkai, we learn Suparinpei and Betturin as different Kata.And, Sanchin which we train is Sanchin of Higaonna.)
..In 1958, Kyoda became the Shihan of the Karate club of the Beppu base of the Self-Defense Forces.He instructed about 120 members according to the instruction method of Kanryo Higaonna.Three months later, only two members remained.
photo;Juhatsu Kyoda at the time of Shihan of the Karate club of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces Oita garrison.
..Juhatsu Kyoda had the strong self-confidence as the correct successor of Kanryo Higaonna.However, he had no ambition to spread his Karate. He was the person who never did compromise and the flattery for the spread of his Karate.In 1968, Juhatsu Kyoda died. He was 81 years old.
photo;Juhatsu Kyoda in his latest year
26/5/2017  About the TENSYO
.. I feel recently Tensyo might be downplayed in the training of Gojuryu Dojos.I think it is a big mistake to lose sight of essence of Gojuryu. ..
is the Kata which Chojun Miyagi created.
Anyone knows Tensyo was made from the six simple figuresand it's explanation that was written in Bubishi by Chojun Miyagi, if he learn Gojuryu.The word Rok-ki-shu ( - -) means "six variation of hand".Bubishi does not explain most about Rokkisyu.It only simply explain when you attack the enemy's specific vital point by six variation of hand, he loses the life.It looks difficult to create that Tensyo,a high level Kata, from mere six figures and concise explanation.Furthermore, I think that it is impossible to deduce movement of Kata of Tensyo only from these six figures if I say.
..I think this Kata includes four elements historically.
1."Rok-ki-syu" ,brief six pictures and descriptionin which were written in "BUBISHI"
2."Tsuru no te"(kenpo of crane) of Miyagi's Chinese friend Go Kenki(Wu Xian Gui ).He was a tea merchant who emigrated to Okinawa from China in 1912,and the expert of of Fujian White Crane.
3.Technique of Wushu that he got in his short trips to China in 1915(Fujian ) and 1917(Shanghai).
4.Koneri-te,the operation knead the hand in the Okinawan ethnic dance.
..Miyagi was theoretical Karate-Ka who selected among the traditional Nahate Kata and classified them in the his original system of Go(Hard) and Ju(Soft) and fixed Sanchin(which he succeeded to from predecessor) and Tensyo(which he created) in each basic.Tensyo is the basic in the basic of every offense and defense.In addition, various joint locks are generated from it.You will be awakened to the true battle methode of Gojuryu by training this eagerly.
..Of course it is not to repeat merely Tensyo.It is essential to train Bunkai with opponent.Only by doing so,you will become able to understand the guideline of the interpretation of Gojuryu, and various skill about offense and defense that Kata shows.We should value more Tensyo, and study it and fix it in the center of the training.
→Refer to the members only site: the video clip "Detail of Tensyo and it's training:May 29enlargement".(The old version was abolished.)
1/1/2017  Karate and Karatedo
What is difference when the “do” attaches?
...We usually use the word “Karate”.But, in a sense, this is an abbreviated form which has the risk to lose essence of "Budo" (traditional martial arts of Japan).
Strictly speaking, the right word is not Karate, but is Karatedo. When we talk with merely karate, it points at combat sport called karate.The meaning is deepened when end of a word "do" attaches it in "Karate".(“do” is pronounced the “dou” in Japanese.)
..Not only Budo, a lot of Arts in Japan has the end of word "do". Those "do" has an active meaning that "seeking for truth".So the meaning of Karate-do is "seeking for truth of way of life by means of Karate".
Karate-ka must be "the seeker after truth".Japanese Budo made much of Zen since ancient times.So Bodo is also called " moving Zen..By the way, is "Zen" practiced to show others it?The answer is NO. It completely loses essence and an effect of Zen if a person practices "Zen" as a performance for others. Karatedo is training and discipline for way of life. So the aim is same as Zen.
(This is the article that is partly revised of my contribution to Shihan Hamed Zafaranlou's Karate book which was published on November 2016.)

【1】“If you learn from the history and understand the present age, you can become an excellent Shihan.”(old common saying)
 Karate has become Olympics sports of 2020.At that time, the follow news reached me when we were soak in the after glow of the closing ceremony of Rio Olympics.

..On September, 2016, a 63 age and 170cm man , was attacked by the Asiatic black bear about 190 cm in mountains in Japan. But it was a misfortune for the bear, he is high level Dan holder Karate-ka. The bear's power was extraordinary. He was blown off by only a miss attack of the bear. Number to fight minutes,he attacked the bear's right eye with Nukite. The bear escaped. It was good that a life was saved.”
He drove his car by himself and went to the hospital. He was wounded in the head and the right arm, but was all the slight wound of complete cure two weeks.

..In traditional Karate, the finger always aims enemy's eye. This 63-year-old Karate-ka would have been training hard at such a traditional technique. If it had not been so, he could not instantly approach the bear and strike the bear’s eyes accurately.But such a training is useless to sports Karate competition.
The rule restricts the skill .Thereby it secures the safety and the ease of judgment. But we should regard what we lost and what we obtained.
For instance, let's do kumite with permission of Kinteki-keri.

..How does your kumite change? Similarly, let's do kumite with the permission of attack to eyes, an ear and hair. In the situation, is Jodan mawashigeri effective? You must understand the real intention of sanchin-dachi,nekoashi-dachi and zenkutsu-dachi. Furthermore,in my dojo we sometimes try to against the plural enemies, the enemy having knives. By these little invention, the recognition of our Karate should change.
..The game with the referee, the rule, the stopwatch and one opponent is only one side of Karate.I do not think that game is unnecessary not to mention.
.In fact, in my dojo, the exercises of kids is sports Karate style.But, It is not enough to reach the Karatedo.I goona write the six points which I would like you to mind on Karate .

【2】Karate historically was developed as Bujutsu to resist the samurai carring Japanese sword in Okinawan. In other words, Karate suppose the fighting against the multiple enemies and or the enemy having the weapon. We must not forget this Karate historical character. And Karate-ka was not proud of himself. We must not make Karate the means of conceit and or threat, too.

【3】Seiken is just only the one of form of fist of Karate.
In development of the modern education system, Karate kata changed to the seiken-centered motion. Karate originally used the of variety fist form depending on the vital points of enemy. We must study deeply the vital points. And we must practice to strike the vital points with an appropriate fist precisely. In modern sports Karate, the training of the fist is unnecessary. Even in Japan, the recent young people do not strengthen his fist.The fist of Karate-ka’s fist must’nt be the same the one of amateur.

【4】The technique of Karate is not only tuki and keri. Karate is a system of tuki, keri, joint lock, grappling hold, throw and choking. They are usually trained by yakusoku-kumite. And more,Yuzenkai suggests the new Gojuryu full-contact rule.

【5】We must know the mechanical rationality of karate.
Mechanical rationality of Karate is comprised by the power caused by twisting, the power caused by sinking, the power caused by rising, the power caused by advance, the power of the action and reaction, the power caused by release,and the principle of leverage.
①Power caused by twisting is,for instance, seen in Kata of sanchin. The power caused from the lower half of the body in sanchin-dachi reaches the arm via the waist, the back, and the shoulder, and is converted into Seiken tuki.

②Power caused by sinking is the power from suddenly change from high posture to low posture. This is the using of potential energy. For instance, it is seen in the Age-tuki at the same time as suddenly lowering posture in Kata of Seienchin. 

③Power caused by rising, for instance,is the power seen in kata Sesan.(Continuously three times Seiken at the same time suddenly raising posture.)

④Power caused by advance is, for instance,the power of the operation that advances rapidly position. This is the using of potential energy, too. This power is typically seen in kata Heiku, Paiku, and Anan.

⑤ Powerer of action and reaction is, for instance, the power seen in the right seiken tsuki with strongly pulling the left seiken. In kata Sisouchin, the osae-uke uses this power.

⑥Power caused by release is, for instance, seen in kata Saifa.(Uraken attack with rapidly expansion posture from shrinkage posture.).

⑦ Principle of leverage is seen in the sashite technigue(the stabbing hands) in the kata Sanseru.An important point is to use your both arms like a stick. Don't you bend the joint of your arm, and don't catch the arm of opponent. You must set Sashite to make the opponent's vital point (Hizizume or Wanjun) the fulcrum.Turn the your body to throw the opponent to the direction of the force.

..I do not deny the significance of the competition Kata. I only would like to say that we should become aware of it. The standardization of Kata deprived the historical combat operations from Kata.
For instance, many Karate books for the beginner explain the mae-geri in kata Saifa is kinteki-geri. But this keri originally is the technique to inserting the tiptoe in enemy's vital point. The old Karate-ka forged his tiptoe, and broke enemy's internal organs by it. This technique had disappeared in competition kata. Tsuki is also similar. In traditional Gojuryu, when the tsuki hit to the enemy, we screw our seiken in the enemy's body by a little shoulder movement. And the tsuki should be do as to break the enemy's spine and or the back of the head. Goluryu Sihans had taught like the method until half a century ago.

【6】We must study a continuity of kihon and kata and kumite.The truth of Karate is in the deep continuity between kihon,kata and kumite. The Karate lucks this continuity of three elements is mere combat sport. So, the study of Kata is very important.
For instance,it is the moment when the joint lock "hiji-ori" made a hit in opponent in jiyu kumite. The kata "Sisouchin" has the usage of this technique.

The next is the basic training the "hiki-uke" for this technique: It is one of the kihon(hojo-undo) .

It is the training "Kake-te" to use the "hiki-uke" instantly in jiyu-kumite.We practice this repeatedly earnestly until the picture comes out in jiyu-kumite in.

Many joint locks of Gojuryu are put out not by catching(tukami) but by crossing(sashite).
In a speedy battle of Karate, there are no time to catch a opponent.

..I will say once again. kata and kumite and kihon must be related together.Recently participants of competition must do kata as acting for show. Even if people watches the real training Kata, he maybe feel it like a poor performance.However, we who investigate karate as bujutsu must continue training kata not the show but the training.And we discover the technique that a certain innumerable movement suggests in kata.
..Karate Kata has the history of the secretiveness. The next explanation is a guideline for you.(the nine principles for Bunkai of Gojuryu Kata)
①In kata, the uke moving front means the attack, and the one getting back means the defense.
②The rotation of the body imply the throwing technique.
③The motion in Kata often should be interpreted as reverse action for Bunkai.
④Do not obsess over the demonstration line .
⑤Uke has always converted to grab the opponent and fall him.
⑥The seiken attack to the face have to be converted to the palm or the nukite or the Kamite.
⑦The one attack goes to only one enemy.
⑧The direction of the tiptoe foretells the next motion.
⑨Nekoashi-dachi means always the keri

【7】From Bujutsu to Budo
..As previously described,Japanese traditional technical culture was sublimated to ethical or Zen philosophy in the long history .The Japanese has expressed it by the word "Do".The Japanese martial arts, Ju-do,Ken-do,Aiki-do,Kyu-do,Iai-do , Karate-do are typical examples.And Syo-do (calligraphy), Tya-do(tea ceremony ),Ka-do ( flower arrangement) are also good examples.Karate is ultimately the spirit, the way of life and the art. Finally, I introduce you the old proverb of Japanese samurai .
The man of fortitude is the man gentlemanly.The courageous person is the person with deep love.
2/10/2016  What is "osu" originally ?
..The word "osu" is a well-known greetings of karate.More say,in Japan, "osu" is used as greetings well in boy, high school student and university studentl.But it is a mistake if you think all Japanese karate dojo uses "osu" as for granted.
Karate dojo in Japan surely use the word "osu" but not all. They use "hai" as common sense greetings.And the dojos of okinawa do not use "osu" as far as I know it.In fact, I have not been using it until recently, too. I had had uncomfortable feeling on this word.Because this word has a impression of no class.On earth what is "osu?"
The word originates from a morning greetings of university students in the early 20th century.(According to one estimate,it was Takushoku university) "Good morning" is "o-hayou-gozaimas" in Japanese."o-hayou-gozaimas" was omitted and changed into "o-hayossu" and finally became "osu".In other words, the word "osu" was vulgar contracted form of "good morning".Takushoku university at the time was the university which was famous for the martial arts.Therefore the influence on other university students was strong, too.
..It was university graduates to have pulled Japanese karate after World War II. JKA (Japan Karate Association), Mas Oyama's Kyokushin are big one of them.They used "osu" which they were familiar with for school days routinely.In other dojo ,the "osu" came to be copied from it before long, too.
Now "osu" is "押忍"written in Kanji.The character "押" is "overwhelm" , and "忍"is "endure" . Of course it is a phonetic equivalent.So this kanji has strange expression.But because the meaning of the "substitute character" is felt to be good for karate, "osu" is used now in many karate dojo.Incidentally most other traditional Budo(martial arts) in Japan do not use the word "osu".
 3/4/2016 "Douwai ",Kata of mystery
..In a sense,Kata was originally folklore in Okinawa.Founders of Ryuhas had selected some Katas according to his philosophy, and created the system of his Ryuha.Kenwa Mabuni was a maximum collector of Kata.But his collection is not all.Some Kata, which were not choiced by famous founders.
..In our sect,some Kata of mystery exist.For example, there is Kata called "Douwai".We do not know the details of them .(The photographs are "some parts of Douwai")
Kata not seen in other sects. This is, so to speak, an endangered species.

..Of course,"Douwai" is out of Gojuryu standard list.But the Kata has character of Gojuryu.Sometimes,this kata may be called Rouhai.I guess "Douwai"‘is a corrupted form of "Rouhai".Surely this resembles Matsumura Rouhai of Shitoryu to some extent.And it resembles the Tomari Rouhai closely further.They might be "Kyoudai-te" (brothers -Kata).
..By the way,"Rouhai" (Okinawa dialect) was clearly influenced by Chinese luohan quan (羅漢拳) .This Kata 's features is one-legged posture.In Okinawa, the posture is called "the foot of the heron".So Rouhai is written 鷺牌 (Shield of the heron) in a kanji.But this name was changed the Meikyo (明鏡:Bright mirror) by Gichin Funakoshi.It means that the brightly clear heart like a mirror.
..Acording to folklore,certain General who escaped from Taiping Civil War(1850 to 1864) in China thought this Kata to some Okinawan Karate master.As a result,this Kata became three type Rouhai (Tomari Rouhai,Matsumura Rouhai and Douwai(Naha-te Rouhai)) by the difference of their sect (Tomari-te, Syuri-te and Naha-te) If so, the three Rouhai has further relation through the General with Heiku,
Paiku and Anan.While presumptuous, I might add Douwai to the list of Yuzenkai Nahate Gojuryu in the future.In that case ,"羅漢" is good for the Phonetic equivalent kanji.
7/3/2016 ..About the technique of Sashite (Stabbing hands)
..Sashite (Stabbing hands)is a generic name of the technique using "the leverage”, and it is one of the important technique of Goju-Ryu. Sashite" is seen in much Kata.I will explain Sashite as an example in Sanseru and Gekisai.
..Movement of Sashite in Kata「Sanseru」.
This movement means the following throwing technique by Sashite and body turn.
..An important point is to use your both arms like a stick.Don't you bend the joint of your arm, and don't catch the arm of opponent.You must set Sashite to make the attacker's vital point (Hizizume or Wanjun) the fulcrum.Turn the your body to throw the opponent to the direction of the force.


Sashite" in Gekisai

Assignment:This is the last movement of kata "Sisouchin". This movement is Sashite.Try bunkai it.
1/2/2016 ..Common view that Karate had been used in actual combats looks suspicious(?)
..In March, 2015, the education authorities of the Urazoe city in Okinawa prefecture,Japan announced "The investigation report about the origin of Ryukyu Karate".It is a reports by a small town education authorities but has some interesting viewpoints.Because the famous martial arts reserchers in China and Okinawa participated and many historical documents of the Chinese side were referred to this study .
want to explain it briefly.
..According to the report , the common view that Karate had been used in actual combats looks suspicious.
..The Ryukyu kingdom at the time did not have a standing military. In the first place, there was no war in there.So the aim of the Okinawan samurai was to become a bureaucrat.Perhaps Kata had been a kind of culture of Okinawan samurai, and been a suitable entertainment to show to the king or Mission from China.So it is necessary to consider Kata from viewpoint of not only a martial arts but also a entertainment ...沖縄でも武士階級の最大の目標は官僚に採用されることであり、近世沖縄は戦争もなく常備軍もなく、型は実戦使用というよりも国王や貴族、賓客の前で披露する武士の教養ととらえた方が適当である。
..I also think that Kata has the taste like a traditional dancing.For example, you may feel a commonality of the nuance of Passai , Saifa and Chinto if you watch the classical performing dancing"the shishimai" (dancing of lions in China, Okinawa, Japan) in the youtube.In other words, these KATA reminds of various movements (playing, being wary, licking it's foot, pushing it's head forward ) of a lion in "Shishi mai".
.."Shishi no te" (fist of the lion) is seen in traditional Kata Pas-sai and Sai-fa. The word "Sai" is a lion.
But a fist disappeared in modearn game Kata.The report states that the cause that the style of the characteristic lion disappeared is to have introduced karate into the high school education in Okinawa in 1905.)
..The word "Chin-to" is Zin-tou (The head of group).This means a leader lion of "Shishimai"group.
The opening operation of Passai is a gallant figure of the leader lion which jumped out of the group first.The movement of the sixth and the seventh of Saifa is the technique of fist of lion.
Shishi-mai(dancing of lions)Fist of the lion(shishi no te) in Saifa

It is correct to do this movement not with Seiken but with Shishi no te.
..A movement of the dragon in Kuru-runfa

Kuru…臥waiting for an opportunity
..龍舞 Ryu-mai(dancing of dragon... Ryu(dragon) vs Shihi(lion))Kuru-run" (臥-龍) means a dragon aiming at opportunity to go on the sky secretly on the ground.
This word is from an ancient Chinese history book " Sanguo Zhi(Records of Three Kingdoms)".
The other interesting indication by this reports.
Passai is Kata of a lion not Kata of a leopard.Passai is "拍-獅 Pau-sai" in a dialect of Fujian, China.This meaning is Shi_shi_mai( lion dancing) itself in Fujian.
2 Hei-hu-quan (黒-虎-拳:black-tiger-fist)influenced Gojuryu,too.
3 Chinto comes from the meaning of a head (頭:Tou:leader) and a camp (陣:Chin:group of festivals).It is not essentially specific Kata but is the good Kata of the group leader.
4 The correct date of birth and death of Wang Daxing (王打興) , one of ancestor of Gojuryu, is 1659~1763.He is the first student of founder Fāng Qīniáng(方七娘) of White Crane (Hakutsuru fist白鶴拳) and he was at second position of 28 geniuses by the master.In a list of that time, the master name Ton Lee-chek" 鄭礼叔 (1654 ...? Tou ru ko?) is seen.White Crane had been derived to the Fujian district by 林世成 (Rin Shi cheng) in the next times of Wang Daxing (王打興). He may be a progeny of the three or fourth generation of Wang Daxing.Xie Zhongxiang (謝崇祥1852-1930) graduated from Rin Shi cheng's system.
Back Number(2013~2015)
No.15 Message from kancho in the beginning of 2015
No.14 The sword stored in the sheath is stronger than the sword pulled out from the sheath.
No.13 Mas Oyama as great Gojuryu fighter."The circle motion is a principle of Karate"
No.12 About the adjusting method of the body(The Orient medical and Gojuryu Karatedo).
No.11 On basic Japanese words for Karate
No.10About the (historical) movement that had disappeared in Kata(For instance, for SAIFA)
No.9 Misunderstanding about the Karate weapon "SAI".
No.7 Secret that lurks in the final operation of "SUPARINPEI".
No.6 six powers that composes Nahate-Gojuryu Karate
No.5 40 years passed after Bruce Lee had died(1940-1973) 
No.4 At Okinawa 
NO,3 Is the technique of modern Kendo the same as the technique of "Japanese sword"?  
NO,2 Famous Samurais that appears in "youtube"  
NO,1 Is Ninja exist?    
 returns at the page top 