Gojuryu Internatonal Karatedo Kobudo Unioin YUZENKAI
About us   last update 17 Jan. 2024.........HOME
  I have two faces now. One is the shihan of my high school's karate club.In there, I teaches JKF style .
..The other face is the kancho of Yuzenkai. By looking at this website, you are going to understand Gojuryu I teach is traditional and classic. If I am to compare it to Western civilization, Yuzenkai would be the equivalent to the Greek and Roman classics. I am not someone completely denies WKF or JKF sports karate. However, the internationalization and sportification of karate over the past half century has changed karate itself. In order to understand modern Western thought, we need an understanding of Greek thought. The same can be said about karate.
Many of Yuzenkai's overseas branches are affiliated with WKF."That's good for me." It is of big significance .Because they got two chance to learn WKF Gojuryu and our original Gojury.

..I think I should first explain to everyone the brief history of karate in Japan after WWII.It is a history of a conflict between bujutsu and sports, the contradiction between globalization and loss of tradition, the conflict between mass production and apprenticeship training.

The image shows the Kamae that Chairman Naganuma often used in the 1960s, when karate was not " sport" but "karate". It was a time when we practiced for actual combut rather than competitions.

Karate, which was developed in early-modern Okinawa, has been considered a technique can kill and injure enemies with bare hands, it was during the chaotic period immediately after the defeat people really witnessed its power.
 Shuri-te spread to the mainland during 1910'th , and Goju-ryu began its dojo activities in the 1930'th. For better or for worse, people first witnessed the power of karate in the streets during the occupation period, when security was at its worst right after the war was defeated. In the town dojo, techniques inherited through Kata and verified in actual combatthey were passed down like a secret menu.

(the gojuryu karate around1960;1960前後の剛柔流の様子)


 We believe that these techniques are the essence of karate and that they are traditions that should be inherited along with the training of Kata.
Considering the relationship between the history of Okinawa (Ryukyu)and the history of karate, it can be said that these techniques are the orthodox and the essence of karate.In Kata's Bunkai there is a geometry-like order and logic that advances the argument from a handful of axioms and leads to new theorems.This is also a tradition that we must not abandon.

....Karate was portrayed as a villain in judo movies, and the public image of karate in 20century Karate was negative, and few parents wanted their children to attend. When I see a modern dojo where children are the customers, I can't help but feel a different world.


 Karate become the official event of Japanese National Sports Festival in1982.
The situation of Karate rapidly changed and recognized as sports .The protective gear was invented, and the non-contact rule was made with making trial and error.In dojo, children and the women came to be seen.
 However, the essence as a martial art was still strongly conscious. In the kumite competition, Kamae, who protected the flanks and key points, was coached, and footwork and Jodan-geri, which made kinteki vulnerable, were not evaluated as "not like karate." In the Kata competition, for example Seienchin, Gojuryu's, Shitoryu's, and Okinawa's were equally evaluated. The referee had the experience and insight into the essence to deal with it.

...However Goju-ryu Kumite starts from hand-to-hand distance with the opponent, and emphasizes breaking down, knocking down, and throwing the opponent through transformations, breathing, and the strength and weakness of force. The unified rules were clearly the rules of Shotokan-ryu and Wado-ryu.
And the scoring criteria of Kata clearly excluded Okinawan styles, such as Sanchin's strong breathing characteristic of Goju-ryu and Muchimi were considered a violation.

 Around the same time, the European karate world was strongly influenced by Taekwondo and converted to its own point-based game. ``Makiwara training is unnecessary for non-contact rules. Kinteki breaks the rules, so you don't have to be conscious of defense,'' he began to actively move from light dance-like steps to unprotected upper kicks. It has changed greatly to a quick touch thrust that is thrown loosely, taking into account the thickness of the fist supporter.
...The biggest feature is that the "quantity over quality” system, with 1 point for tuki, 2 points for chudan keri, and 3 points for jodan keri, had made a major shift to a game that emphasizes kicks.
“Kata and Kumite have become completely different, both in philosophy and technique”


...On the other hand,Japanese kumite culture, defeating the opponent with a single counter shot aimed at a vital point is considered the best technique (it is the japanese concept of Ippon), and the match became a battle of chudan tuki counters. The jodan keri was ignored. It didn't make for a great looking game. In the first place, a Karate match is not a show to please the audience.



 The internationalization of karate was especially led by France, so the European kumite style quickly became an international standard, leaving only Japan behind. Furthermore, the inclusion of taekwondo in the Olympic Games in 2000 created a strong sense of frustration among those involved in karate in Japan, who felt that "karate must also be an Olympic sport."
..In 2004, the All Japan Karatedo Federation decided to change the rules to European style. Regarding this, as mentioned above, Kinjo Hiroshi (1919-2013), who was born in Okinawa and made a great contribution to the development of postwar karate in Japan beyond the boundaries of schools, later said, "We have lost too much. " said.
 I have no doubts that overseas people practice WKF karate, but the fact that Japan, the birthplace of karate, has abandoned its traditions and turned to European-style karate is nothing but a misleading of history and the future.

 This change removed the essence of karate as a martial art. Form became a performance, and strange movements like acrobatics were created there. Kumite became a competition to compete for the speed of the touch, and there was no need to train fists. Nowaday ,WKF- Karate (which JKF propelled )had changed the Japanese traditional Karate into the different Karate came from Europe. "Kata has become "something to practice so that people can see it and score it." For so it stopped at unnatural places and became a performance that created a highlight with like as Kabuki expressions. Now the standard practice is to copy the performance of the previous year's winner. The number of dojos that have traditional Kata and Bunkai training as their curriculum must have become a minority..
 The Kata in sports karate competitions has become a performance for scoring points, discarding the elements of traditional Kata in both philosophy and technique.  


..It was the Tokyo Olympics 2020, but as a result, except for the men's karate gold medal of the Okinawan karateka, it was a result of worshiping the overseas competitors. The Kumite can be said to have suffered a crushing defeat.
Karate will not be included as an Olympic event at the 2024 Paris Olympics. It can be said that karate was an event unique to the Tokyo Olympics.
..It was also decided in 2023 that it will not be included in the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics. Karate had been a reference sport limited to the Tokyo Games.
 Yuzenkai is taking action to practice and pass on traditional karate, which is not European karate, but a connection between basics, kata, and kumite, and enlighten the world. I know there are overseas people who take great interest in it.

. 海外と交際していると道場経営上、空手の指導者や選手がテコンドーの指導者や選手を兼ねている例を見かけます。海外ではこの二つをルールの違いとして割り切ってとらえ、ふだんは空手を練習しオリンピックではテコンドーをめざすというケースがよくあります。東京オリンピック前にテコンドーの道場が急きょ空手コースも設置するケースも見られました。

...It may be rude to say this, but to me WKF-Karate now looks like non-contact kickboxing or taekwondo wearing a Karate jacket.Overseas, many karate athletes also double as taekwondo athletes. Many Taekwondo instructors also serve as karate instructors.There are many foreigners who only see the difference between karate and taekwondo as a difference in rules.
There are a certain examples of this in Japan as well.
..Yuzenkai inherits the Japanese tradition of karate, kata, and kumite, which existed before it became European-style karate, and presents it to the world. It is not to deny the karate that each branch practices individually, but to show the original Japanese tradition that they want to know about...

 (kakete;kakey: Originally, Gojuryu's kumite starts from the distance of Kakete. "Kumite'' was also called"te-gumi'' in the past, and the literally means to join (kumi)hands (te) with each other .)"kakete(掛け手)" is one of the basic exercises for us."kakete" has various ways depending on several purpose.



..In my memory from half a century ago, I remember being beaten and kicked by my seniors, as well as being knocked down with a byoubu-gaeshi, thrown, and knocked off by a body attack. I was swung around by kakete, sometimes headbutted, and stepped on when I fell. Those were of course tricks in Kata.

The achievement of the essence of Gojuryu is impossible in the game by JKF-WKF rule. Jiyu-Kumite that admits contact,joint technique,throwing,constriction techniques and grappling technique are necessary . Particularly, "Mawashi-Uke" attack to a neck is the important battle method of Gojuryu.

   海外とのやりとの中で浮上しているのは衣のつかみあり、関節・投げ・絞め・固めありの剛柔流の組手ができる競技方法の探求です。打撃で相手の勢いが止まったら技有り。投げ、倒し、関節技が「かかり」の状態になったら技有り。頭部頸椎を回し受けで抑えた瞬間に一本(勝ち)。スリップであるかいなかにかかわらず相手に足の裏以外の身体をマットにつかせたら技有りなど。(紛争地域の支部長から、戦場での転倒は死を意味するという助言に基づきます。これによると審判が止めてくれることを前提とした転倒しながらの技は評価されません。) この競技法によってのみ完璧ではありませんが型と基本と組手が関連する剛柔流の本来的な組手競技になると考えています。
gojuryu internatinaol karatedo kobudo union yuzenkai japangojuryu internatinaol karatedo kobudo union yuzenkai japangojuryu internatinaol karatedo kobudo union yuzenkai japan

近年の海外の動向として興味深いのが、冒頭の「あまりにも失ったもの」への関心が欧米や中東で急速に盛り上がっていることです。WKFスタイルで学び、ある段階に達した外国人の中に、基本と型と組手が連関した空手の伝統や、併修されてきた沖縄(琉球)古武道への学習熱がさかんになっており、いまや海外における日本人空手家の不可欠な素養になっていると思います。It is only a mere stick dance if kata of Bo is not trained as kumi-Bo(Bo-kumite).  
沖縄古武道 組棒 Kumi-Bo from Bunkai of traditinal Kobudo Kata
  Sensei, Sizuaki Futamata
(1931~:Shihan of Okinawa Matayoshi-kobudo,Kancho of Shynbukan),the comrade my

About the name and logo of YUZENKAI
 勇善会Yu-zen-kaiという名称は、実戦で技を検証しえた最後の世代である二人の師の名前、Shihan Yoshiaki Naganuma;長沼善秋師範(左:1944~)の「善」(Zen)と、Shihan Isamu Kato:加藤勇師範(右:1941~2023)の「勇」(Yu)の字に由来し、長沼師範の命名です。
 "Testicle (kinteki) attack is not a foul.  The stance is more like Sanchin-dachi in that situation and how to set up the hand is more like Tensho.  Free kumite conditionally enables the combat-style of ancient Goju-ryu to be reproduced with technical improvements for modern karate.

YUZENKAI has two logo. The culture, the religion, and the custom, etc. are different according to each country. YUZENKAI member in each country can select appropriate .

...This emblem is derived from the combat flag of Kenshin Uesugi,a famouse warlord in the age of civil wars in Japan,16century.It means "Fight bravely".The Kanji of center is Kenshin's original cursive script of Ryu(龍:dragon).
...KATA of Gojury are derived from a images of dragon, crane, tiger, hawk,and so on. For instance, Sepai and Kururunfa are dragon Kata. Saifa and Kakufa are crane Kata.Seienchin is hawk Kata. I think the character of this "Ryu" is suitable for Yuzenkai Gojuryu. Dragon is existence of fictitious. But it is "symbol of transcendent strength" in the Japanese culture.
..In addition, Yuzenkai believe that the logo of the philosopher Lord Uesugi Kenshin is very appropriate for Goju-ryu, which has the philosophy of "Okinawa Bubishi" at its core.
...The avove flags, navy blue and red circle, is
the flags Ougimachi-Tenno(1517-1593) gave Kenshin. The red circle means Japan, and the navy blue means justice and sincerity.Kenshin was religious Samurai. He never did an unfair act. He always not fought for his personal greed but fought for the justice of god .
This logo originates from oriental philosophy that Goju-ryu based on.  Five colors – blue, red, yellow, white, black - mean five elements compose the world. The diamond means four directions – north, south, east and west. This design originates in the family crest of Shingen Takeda (1521-1573),the warlord in the age of civil wars in Japan.
"YU" and "ZEN" are from names of my two masters, and they mean “courage” and “goodness”. KAI" means “Society” in Japanese
introdaction video clips gojuryu internatinaol karatedo kobudo union yuzenkai japan gojuryu internatinaol karatedo kobudo union yuzenkai japan 13/1/2013
Shihan-dai. Uno Keisuke who is Kancho OMOTO's students won the full contact kumite in the “forties” class of All Japan Budo-Karate Championship held at TOKYO.

gojuryu internatinaol karatedo kobudo union yuzenkai japan 16/9/2012
I participated in the festival of combative sports held at Niigata prefcture and exchanged with the professional wrestling.Then I am 54 years old. I always thinks that if a person want to be a true Gojuryu Karate-ka, he should learn from even the professional wrestling.
For Goju-ryu,the techniques are practiced not only at the Dojo.Gojuryu which knows only Dojo isn't valid to the professional of the fight.The posture to have learning from them humbly is sometimes important for us.
Karate and Budo are means. The purpose is a spirit of Bushido. Budo is "Way of life. "

..But I'm afraid in the private affairs,my great-grandfather, Kazuma Sugiyama, (杉山一馬)was the head samurai of border patrol team of the Odawara Clan. His son, Toushiro Sugiyama, lost his life in the war in 1868 for the Clan.(The picture is the Odawara castle in Kanagawa prefecture.)
 I feel my admiration and commitment to Budo since my childhood is something that comes from my blood.
..(The swords were made 300 years ago, but they do not louse sharpness by accurate care from generation to generation. Real Japanese sword is full of severe brightness and integrity.I think my life must be like them.)
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