GIKKU : Gojuryu Internatonal Karatedo Kobudo Unioin YUZENKAI HiHistory to Yuzenkai 勇善会への道 last up date Oct.25, 2024 HOME |
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..It is presumed that Gojo-Ryu Karate has made from the following six roots
.剛柔流には6つのルーツがあると考えられている。 1.Martial arts practiced in Kume Village, Naha, dating back to 1392. 1392年の中国からの移民団が那覇に形成した租界久米村に伝わる武術 2.The martial arts of Wai Shinzan, introduced from China in the 19th century. ワイ・シンザンという中国武術家のもたらした武術 3.The martial arts of Tou Ruko, who was Higaonna's teacher in China during the 19th century. トゥ・ルーコウという中国武術家のもたらした武術 4.The martial arts Miyagi studied in China over 90 years ago. 宮城長順が上海で研究した武術 5.The martial arts developed by Miyagi himself. 宮城長順の創作した武術 6.The martial arts of Motobu Choyo in the 20th century." 本部朝勇が沖縄唐手倶楽部でシェアした武術 以下のabout2とabout3は勇善会に伝わる口碑と照らして最も説得力のある金城昭夫氏の大著「空手伝真録 上・下」を主要な参考文献とした。 "This explanation is largely based on Shihan Akio Kinjo's masterpiece, Karate Denshinroku;The Record of the True History of Karate, as his research is highly persuasive when viewed through the lens of the folklore passed down through my lineage." About1 ..Mass migration came from China to Naha in 1392. They formed the concession in the kume village. They were called "the 36 families in kume-village(久米三十六姓)". ..The word "36" is a metaphor of "so much". ..Each families had professional skill , study, art, diplomacy, literature, engineering, the building and so on.They were passed down only from father to son. The roots of Karate was also one of such professionals skill. ..In the Goju-Ryu Dojo, the martial arts god "Busa-ganashi:Kyu-Ten-Fu- Ka- In- DenTo-Gensui" (九天風火院田都元帥)has been enshrined.It is the god of the folk customs belief imported from China by them. |
About2 Who was “Wai Shinzanワイシンザンとは何者か。 新垣世璋の師事したワイ・シンザンは実在した中国人武官王打振(ワン・ダーシン)と推定される。彼は1838と1866の二度、琉球へ来た。「ワイ・シンザン」という発音は「ワン・シーフ(王師父)」の音便化と考えられる。ワン・シーフからワンシュウやウンス―という型名が、また彼が武官であったことからワンカン(王武官)という型名が発祥したと思われる。 彼は沖縄伝武備志に登場する王登岳(ワン・ダーゴ)と同一人物で羅漢拳の名人であったようだ。 “Wai Shinzan” was thought the Chinese martial artist and the teacher of Aragaki Seisyo 新垣世璋(teacher of Higaonna Kanryo). His real name seems to be Wang daa shing (王打興;王重興1793?~1894?). He came to Okinawa twice, once in 1838 and once in 1866 as the military arts executive accompanying representatives of the Chinese government. The pronunciation “Wai Shinzan” originates from “Wang Shi fu:王師父” (meaning; Wang sensei). Wai Shinzan had kept close relations with karate masters in Okinawa. Now he is regarded as one of the founders of Gojo-Ryu. ..In the “Bubishi” called the Bible of Gojo-Ryu , the philosophy of Wai Shinzan had been recorded .As a side note, in this book Wai was written by his another name"Wang dang ngok王登岳.” Wai Shinzan's influences is also seen in Syuri-te. Matsumura Sokon was his student. The Katas, “Wankan”, “Wansyu”, and “Unsu” originate in the alias named Wang Shifu;王師父 (meaning Wang sensei). “Wankan” means “Wan- Bukoan王武官”. Bukan means the martial bureaucrat. “Wansyu” was from “Wang Shifu”. Unsu was form “Wang Shifu”. Incidentally, he was a famous martial artist in the Chinese “Fujian White Crane ”. As a result, Karate was influenced from this type of Kung Fu. Note: Wai Shinzan = Wang Shifu = Wang daa shing = Wang dang ngok |
About3 Who was "Tou Ryuko ?トゥールーコウ、ルールーコー、リュウリュウコウ"とは何者か。誰を指すは諸説ある。 .. Strangely, the correctly name of Higaonna's Chinese master is unknown. Only the pronunciation "RuRuKo", "RyuRyuKo" or "TouRyuKo" have been handed down.About this "person's name,there are two theories according to recent studies. ..ひとつは東恩納寛量が中国で現地の習慣により量量(ルール―)とよばれていたという説。つまり東恩納の中国名がルール―コ―として流布した説である。One theory is that Kan"ryo" Higaonna was called by such a nickname "RuRuルール―"or"RyuRyu"in China.There is a custom in China to call young people by such nicknames. .もうひとつは比嘉世幸がトゥールーコーとして伝えた人物つまり白鶴拳の名人、鄭礼公(テー・レーコン)説である。勇善会は鄭礼公説を支持している。 Another theory is that "TouRyuKo" is Te le Kong"鄭礼公", the expert of “"White Crane(白鶴拳)" The name Tou RyuKo is information from Seiko Higa. Because Higa's father was a cousin of Kanryo Higaonna, Higa inherited a lot of information about Higaonna. Chojun Miyagi, by contrast, knew little about Higaonna's master. Therefore, I think it is best to infer from the information Seiko conveyed.There are other theories, but Yuzenkai adopts the Te le Kong theory to respect Seiko Higa's oral history. →refer to Te le Kong. |
The founders to Gojuryu Karate | |||||
Kanryou Higaonna 東恩納寛量(1853 – 1916) ..東恩納寛量は那覇手中興の祖とよばれる。彼は那覇手の型として三戦、セーサン、サンセール、ぺッチュウリン(ベッチュウリン)を伝えたが、そのいずれもが今日の剛柔流の型とは差異がある。 "Kanryo Higaonna had three notable students: Juhatsu Kyoda, Chojun Miyagi, and Seiko Higa. Higaonna transmitted four katas: Sanchin, Seisan, Sanseru, and Betturin. His Betturin differs somewhat from today’s Goju-ryu Suparinpei. There is record proving that these katas existed in Okinawa before Higaonna’s time. . .東恩納の師が新垣世璋で、彼は1866年の冊封使節歓迎演武で通訳を務めセーサン、釵の組棒、シソーチンを演武した。彼はワイ・シンザン(王打興)に師事した。王師父(ワン・シーフ)に由来すると思われる「新垣のウンス大小」が剛柔流の一部に伝承されている。(首里手のウンスとは全く別物) ). ..Kanryo Higaonna is said to have learned Naha-te from Seisyo Aragaki新垣世璋Seisho Aragaki (1840–1920). This makes him, in a way, a disciple of TouRyuko's disciple. According to records, Aragaki served as an interpreter for the Chinese mission to Okinawa in 1866, where he performed Seisan, Shisochin, as well as Sai and Bo kumite at the welcoming ceremony. Today, a kata called 'Aragaki no Unsu' is preserved in one of Seiko Higa’s lineages. While it shares the same pronunciation as the Shuri-te kata 'Unsu,' it is a completely different kata. 'Unsu' means 'Kata of Wang Shifu (Wang sensei),' and I believe there are at least three different kata that claim to have originated from Wang. . 東恩納はかつて中国に10年から30年滞在しトゥールーコという達人から学んだと言われてきたが最近の研究で彼の中国滞在は3年ほどで主にビジネス目的だったと考えられている。 半世紀以上昔だが私は師から「トゥールーコーが実在した証拠はない。東恩納寛量が大洪水の際に師の子を助けたことのお礼として武術を教わるようになったということは聞いたが、その師の名がトゥールーコーだという証拠はない。」と聞いた。東恩納寛量により那覇手は再興され後世に伝えられた。しかし剛柔流には東恩納に見られない型やテクニックがある。 It was once believed that Higaonna stayed in China for 10 to 30 years, learning Fujian white crane from the master named Ru Ruko (also known as Ru Ryuko or Tou Ryuko). However, a newer theory suggests that his stay in China was only about three years and primarily for business purposes (as seen in the photo of "Yanbaru ships" used for trade at the time). ..More than half a century ago, my old master told me there was no evidence of Ru Ryuko's existence. He heard that Higaonna helped save his teacher’s child during a great flood, which led him to learn Kung Fu from the teacher. But there is no proof that the teacher’s name was Ru (or Tou) Ryuko. ..Today, some Karate masters travel to China searching for evidence of Ru (Tou) Ryuko, but so far, he has not been found. What they are really debating is likely a misunderstanding of a Chinese master's name that resembles Ru Ruko. This is purely speculative, as there is no Kung Fu system directly linked to Goju-Ryu that has been identified. What is certain is that Kanryo Higaonna revitalized Naha-te, which was on the brink of disappearing, and passed it down to future generations. However, Goju-Ryu contains many kata and techniques that extend beyond his Naha-te tradition. |
.Juhatsu Kyoda 許田重発(1887-1968) ..東恩納寛量の最古参の弟子。宮城が与えた「剛柔流」という名称に批判的で昭和35年頃から自ら東恩流を称した。許田の伝えた型は三戦、セーサン、サンセール、ペチューリンの4つのみ。彼はそれに屋部憲通のジオンと呉賢貴のネ―パイを追加した。宮城長順との見解の相違は大きく、彼は宮城の東恩納後継者としての正統性に疑問を抱いていたと思われる。許田の最古参の弟子は泉川寛喜で撃砕やサンセールにその強い影響が見られる。 Kyoda was the oldest student of Kanryo Higaonna. He founded Touon-ryu due to a difference of opinion with Chojun Miyagi. The name 'Touon' is a variant pronunciation of 'Higaonna.' Kyoda did not modify Higaonna's techniques at all and preserved only six kata: Sanchin, Seisan, Sanseru, Pechurin (Betturin), Jion, and Nepai. Jion came from Kentsu Yabu (a soldier and sergeant, 1866–1937), and Nepai from Kenki Go (a tea trader, 1886–1940). Higaonna originally taught only four kata—Sanchin, Seisan, Sanseru, and Pechurin—so Kyoda was skeptical of the legitimacy and the numerous kata Miyagi introduced. Observing Kyoda’s Touon-ryu kata today, we can infer that Miyagi made significant additions and improvements to Higaonna’s Naha-te. F 許田は空手家のイメージが強いが彼の職業は小学校校長で知的エリート層だった。写真は「沖縄の名士・風景大観」(1935年)に掲載されたもの。校長ゆえに掲載された。(ちなみに空手家は誰も掲載されていない) From "Photograph Collection of Famous People and Landscapes in Okinawa"(1935). Kyoda is the only karate figure featured in this photo book. An intellectual, he served as the principal of Tomari Elementary School. While he was a karate master to us, he was first and foremost a respected educator. 1939年に沖縄県に念願の大日本武徳会支部(写真建物)が設立された時の記念演武会プログラム。那覇手(剛柔流)では許田のスーパーリンペー、宮城長順の転掌、比嘉世幸と新里仁安のセーサン、福地清幸のシソーチン、神山恒栄のセイエンチン、高嶺朝睦のサイファが見られる。大日本武徳会儀式で演武した彼らは当時の沖縄の空手界を代表する人々だったといえる。しかしこのプログラムのどこにも流派名はない。本土では流派名が使われだしていた。空手史的に注目すべき点である。 これは公式記録に残る最古のスーパーリンペーの公開演武であり、東恩納門下最古参の許田がこれを演武したことは彼がこの権威であったことを意味する。後年許田はこの型をぺッチュウリン(百歩連:ベッチュウリン)と称したといわれるが、この時点ではスーパーリンペーと称している。他に「セーンチン」という型名、伊良場長幸のネーパイ(東恩流の型のひとつ)、呉賢貴の白鶴(ハッファ;カクファ)などの記載も目をひく。 ..At the1939demonstration marking the establishment of the Dainippon Butokukai Okinawa branch, Juhatsu Kyoda performed 'Suparinpei,' Chojun Miyagi demonstrated 'Tensho,' Jinan Shinsato and Seiko Higa performed 'Seisan,' and Seiko Fukuchi performed 'Shisochin.' This event served as proof, both to Kyoda and others, of his position as the orthodox successor of Kanryo Higaonna’s teachings. Kyoda later referred to this kata as 'Pechurin' (meaning '100 steps'), and claimed it was distinct from Suparinpei, though at the time he called it 'Suparinpei.' This is the first recorded public performance of Suparinpei. photo;1939 demonstration program 本土では2年後の1941年に許田の一番弟子の泉川寛喜四段が横浜市鶴見の沖縄県人会館で行われた本土と沖縄の空手家による初の「日本空手道演武大会」でスーパーリンペーを演武した。これは本土におけるスーパーリンペーの公的演武の最初の記録で表記は一百零八である ここに載る沖縄の空手家は段位ではなく沖縄武士と記されている。空手の段位制度は本土で政治的に創設されたもので当時の沖縄にはない。 In 1941, Kyoda's top student, Kanki Izumikawa, (4th Dan), demonstrated Suparinpei at Japan's first karate demonstration, held in Yokohama, which brought together karate practitioners from both mainland Japan and Okinawa. Notably, the Okinawan karate-ka were simply referred to as Okinawan samurai and did not hold Dan ranks. This highlights an important point in karate history: the Dan ranking system was established on the mainland and did not originate in Okinawa." 許田の最初の弟子である泉川寛喜(1908-1967;比嘉世幸の高弟でもある)は本土で最初の組織的な剛柔流の道場活動を開始した人で、両者の関係は戦後まで続き、泉川の撃砕初段、撃砕二段、サンセールには許田の強い影響が見られる。 "One of the students he taught was Kanki Izumikawa (泉川寛喜;1908–1967), the top disciple of Seiko Higa and one of the first Okinawans to establish organized Goju-ryu dojo activities in mainland Japan. Their karate relationship continued even after the war. Kanki later modified the Gekisai Dai Ichi and Gekisai Dai Ni kata, originally created by Chojun Miyagi for school education in 1940, drawing on Kyoda's Sanseru. He renamed these modified versions Gekisai Shodan and Gekisai Nidan." |
..Chojun Miyagi 宮城長順(1888-1953) ..東恩納寛量の生活を支えた那覇の富豪。伝統主義者ではなく改革者だった。彼は東恩納の空手を土台に那覇手を研究し、体系的な準備運動や鍛錬方法を開発し、東恩納の型を修正し、サンセ―ル、セイエンチン、クルンファ、ス―パリンペイなどの型を追加し、撃砕、セ―パイ、サイファを創作した。彼の目標は剛柔流空手を柔道や剣道と並ぶ国民体育として日本中に広めることだった。それがふるさと沖縄の地位を高めることにもなると信じていた。 彼は京都の大日本武徳会に出入りし当時のエリート層である京都や大阪の大学生たちに空手を普及した。学生の1人の山口剛玄によって戦後に内外に拡散し今日の一般的な剛柔流となった。 剛柔流という流派名は昭和4年に弟子の新里仁安(1901~1945) が本土で演武するさい必要にせまられて付けた名称といわれるが沖縄空手界にほぼ無断であったため遠山寛賢や許田は大変憤慨したようである。 He was a very wealthy merchant in Naha who supported Kanryo Higaonna throughout his life. He was more of a reformer than a traditionalist, driven by ambition to study Naha-te, formalize its theory and system, and create a new style called Goju-Ryu. His goal was to spread it across Japan as a form of Japanese Budo, believing this would elevate the status of Okinawa and its culture. He incorporated new and original elements into Naha-te, building on Higaonna's teachings to complete Goju-Ryu Karate. He modernized the Sanchin kata, created the Tensho kata, invented various tools and training methods, and developed warm-up exercises and systematic training routines. Additionally, he created Gekisai, possibly Sepai, and Saifa, while modifying katas like Sanseru, Seienchin, Kururunfa, and Suparinpei.He was an educator at heart, learned, and inquisitive. He was presumed to have collected a large number of Kata, but he tried to sift through them to create a system of Gouryu's theory and practice based on Sanchin and Tensyo...The name “Goju-Ryu” was designated by Sinsato Jinan新里仁安(1901~1945) in 1929. In Japan he based himself in Kyoto because Koyoto was the headquarters of Japanese Budo. He acquired the title of "Kyoshi" .It was the first time in karate. He regularly taught karate at a university in Kyoto.Gogen Yamaguchi 山口剛玄was one of unversity student . Teaching in university make his social position improved. . .. 1905年に沖縄で唐手(からて)は学校体育の種目となった。平安初段~5段は糸洲安恒(写真:1902年)がそのとき教育用に創作した型である。糸洲の弟子のひとりである船越(冨名腰)義珍は1922年に東京に移住し東京大学や慶応大学の学生に教授し始めた。「松濤」とは船越が住んでいた町の名前である。 ..In Okinawa,Karate was alredy became the subject of the physical education in the secondary school from1905. "Pinan(Heian)1to5" were made by Anko Itosu糸洲安恒 (photo:1902)for secondary school education. And Gichin Funakoshi冨名腰義珍 ,the student of Anko Itosu, migrated to Tokyo in 1922 and taught Karate to a lot of university students."Syoto" was the town name he lived. 教育空手を協議した1905年の沖縄県学務課の会議で糸洲と東恩納が決裂して以来、那覇手の学校教育導入は首里手に比べ大きく遅れた。→参照 東恩納の死後、宮城は那覇商業高校の師範となり剛柔流を教育として指導した。なお宮城は武士として空手で生計を立てること弟子にを禁じた。段位も称号も発行しなかった。そもそも沖縄武術に段位制度は存在しなかった。 第二次世界大戦で壊滅的な被害を受けた沖縄は1972年までアメリカ軍の占領下で辛酸をなめた。宮城の早すぎる死(1953年、64歳)もあり、高度経済成長の波に乗って海外普及する本土の剛柔流との間には壁が出来た。 . In 1905, Anko Itosu broke with Kantyo Higashionna at the meeting to propose educational karate to the Okinawa Prefectural Bord of Education. →reference Since then, Naha-te was significantly delayed in development as education compared to Shuri-te. Miyagi also served as a Shihan at Naha Commercial High School, where he trained many students in Okinawa. A man of samurai spirit, Miyagi strictly forbade his disciples from making a living through karate and strongly opposed the commercialization of the art. He issued no Dan ranks or titles, though this strict stance was perhaps too demanding for his students. ..Okinawa suffered devastating damage during World War II. Furthermore, it was under American military occupation until 1972, which hindered the international development of Okinawan karate. Additionally, Miyagi's premature death in 1953 at the age of 64 created a barrier between the economically growing Goju Ryu on the mainland and Okinawa. Miyagi's vision of fully theorizing and systematizing Goju-ryu karate remains incomplete. It is our responsibility to continue working toward this goal, a mission that goes beyond the realm of sports and the Olympics." |
At the place (Kume town, Naha city) where Goju-Ryu was born, there is a commending stone monument dedicated Kanryo Higaonna and Chojun Miyagi. Needless to say, they are initiators of Gojuryu. 沖縄県那覇市、剛柔流空手道発祥地に建つ東恩納寛量と宮城長順の顕彰碑 October 3, 2013. |
Three important messages from Miyagi had been carved for the other side
of this monument. 1 .剛柔流空手道の極意は型の中にあると知るべし "It is important to understand that the essence of Goju-ryu Karate lies within its kata." 2.剛柔流空手道は己の内に天地自然の調和を表現すべきなり "Goju-ryu Karate-do should express the harmony of heaven, earth, and nature within oneself." 3.剛柔流空手道は徳の道を追求するものなり "We should develop a strong moral character through the practice of Goju-ryu Karate." |
. ①②③ ①Chotoku Kyan ②Chojun Miyagi ③Juhatsu Kyoda |
④Young Kyoda and Miyagi. They were rival at the same time as the relation like the brother it. |
..ところでサイファ、セイエンチン、セーパイ、クルルンンファは開始動作に三戦がない。このことは剛柔流には少なくとも 2つの 系統のルーツがあることを示唆する。事実この4つの型は許田の東恩流に存在しない。宮城長順はこれらの型をどこから引用してきたのだろうか。 "In the opening of the Seienchin,Sepai, and Kururunfa do not include the Sanchin, suggesting that Goju-ryu has at least two distinct lineages. Additionally, these kata do not exist in Kyoda's Touon-ryu, indicating that Miyagi may have had another teacher besides Higaonna. Who might that teacher have been?" Motobu Choyu 本部朝勇(1857-1928) 本部朝勇は沖縄の王族で幼い頃から優れた学問、武道、芸術の達人に囲まれて育ち、王家に伝わる「御殿手(ウドンディ)」の名手でもあった。1923年に「沖縄空手研究会」を結成し集まった空手家たちにいくつかの型をシェアしたという。 そこに宮城長順や摩文仁賢和もいた。関節技、固め技、締め技、投げ技を主役とするサイファ、シソーチン、セイエンチン、セーパイ、クルンルンファはそこで習得したものが元になっていると思われる。この倶楽部は本部の死と財政問題による分裂で消滅した。 Motobu Choyu, who was a member of the Okinawan royal family, is presumed to have taught these kata to Miyagi Chojun. As a royal, Motobu had access to many great masters of various disciplines, including martial arts and other prestigious studies, from an early age. He was also a renowned master of "Udon-di," a martial art passed down through the royal family. In 1923, Motobu established the "Okinawa Karate Research Club," which attracted many famous karate masters. Notably, Miyagi Chojun and Mabuni Kenwa played active roles in the club. Motobu preserved several kata that were traditionally known within the royal family, and Miyagi Chojun is believed to have learned many of these kata from him. It is suggested that Saifa, Seisan, Seienchin, Sepai, and Kururunfa kata originated from Motobu, as they share similar techniques such as joint locks, chokeholds, tight holds, grappling, and throws, which are common in Udon-di. Motobu dedicated himself to advancing Okinawan martial arts until his death in 1928. However, his passing, combined with financial difficulties and internal divisions within the club, led to the decline and eventual dissolution of the Okinawa Karate Research Club. .. 呉賢貴(1886-1940)は剛柔流のもう一人の重要なルーツである。1911年の清王朝の滅亡とともに沖縄に移住し帰化した。彼の福建白鶴拳(沖縄では鶴法とよんだ)に宮城長順は特に興味をそそられ、その強い影響は「転掌」や「スーパーリンペー」に顕著に見られる。彼の伝えた型は鶴法(カクファ)ないし白鶴(ハッファ)として比嘉世幸の系統に秘伝的に伝えられている。 Kenki Go(呉賢貴1886-1940)was another significant figure in Goju-ryu. Originally from China, he moved to Okinawa and became a naturalized citizen following the fall of the Qing Dynasty in 1911. His martial arts background was rooted in Fujian White Crane, a style that Chojun Miyagi found particularly intriguing. Go's strong influence is evident in the kata Tensho and Suparinpei. Additionally, the 'Kakufa; Haffa' he taught is preserved as a secret kata in Higa Seiko's lineage." ..又又吉真豊(1888-1947)は金硬流の創始者。彼の師は上地流の祖である周子和の先輩で上地寛文(1877~1948)の師であるという。 「金」は「柔らかさ」の象徴する金属、「硬」は「硬い」という意味で、奇しくも金硬流の趣旨は剛柔流と趣旨と同じといえる。那覇手における剛柔流、上地流、劉衛流、金硬流の関係は大変興味深い。 Shinpo Matayoshi(1888-1947) , the founder of KimGai Ryu, became a disciple of the KimGai master through his mediation. The KimGai master was a senior to Shyu Shiwa, who was the teacher of Kanbun Uechi (1877–1948), the founder of Uechi Ryu. Notably, 'Kim' in KimGai means 'gold,' symbolizing 'softness,' while 'Gai' means 'hard' in Chinese. Thus, the term KimGai conveys a meaning similar to Goju-ryu, representing both 'hard' and 'soft.' The relationship among Goju-ryu, Uechi-ryu, Ryueiryu, and KimGai Ryu within the context of Naha-te is quite fascinating. ..Seiko Higa(比嘉世幸1898~1966) .比嘉世幸は東恩納寛量の親戚であり、最後の弟子であった。東恩納の死後、先輩弟子である宮城長順に師事した。東恩納と宮城は空手の理念や型が異なっていた。宮城は剛柔流を学校体育として日本全国に普及することを目指し中等学校や大学で教授した。これは糸洲らの教育空手と同様の趣旨である。対照的に比嘉は剛柔流を武術として捉え沖縄から外へ進出しなかった。宮城は那覇手の型を取捨選択したが比嘉は宮城が割愛した那覇手の型や古武道を残した。 Seiko Higa was a relative of Kanryo Higaonna and his last disciple. After Higaonna's death, he studied under his senior disciple, Chojun Miyagi. Higaonna and Miyagi had different philosophies and kata in karate. Miyagi aimed to popularize Goju-ryu as physical education, teaching at secondary schools and universities. This was similar in spirit to the educational karate practiced by Itosu and others. In contrast, Higa viewed Goju-ryu as a martial art and did not extend his practice beyond Okinawa. Miyagi selectively adopted certain Naha-te kata, while Higa preserved the kata and traditional martial arts that Miyagi did not adopt.;1940 at the Dainippon Butokukai Honbu in Kyoto Karatekas who have been awarded the "Renshi" title. 昭和15年。京都の大日本武徳会本部。左から4人目が比嘉世幸。 沖縄と本土を代表する錚々たるメンバー。彼らがひとつの団として大日本武徳会本部に赴いたことは空手史的に興味深い。この時に比嘉、又吉、山口、小西が空手術錬士号を受領した。 hiroshi Miyasato 宮里浩 fumiko Suzuki 鈴木文子 shinko Matayoshi 又吉真光 seiko Higa 比嘉世幸 gogen Yamaguchi 山口剛玄 zenko Yamashiro 山城善光 hiroyasu Konishi 小西康裕 jinan Shinsato 新里仁安 kensei Kinjo 金城兼盛 syoshin Nagamine 長嶺将真 gigou Funakoshi 船越義豪 ちなみに1941年の時点で空手術の大日本武徳会教士号・錬士号保持者は総計20名。剣道(5600名)や柔道(2073名 )に比べて著しく少なく範士号は授与されていない。武徳会附属の武道専門学校(武専)は剣道、柔道、弓道の中等教員養成機関(武道学士)である。当時の法令、学則、記録等を確認したが空手術が教授されていた痕跡はない。宮城長順が武専で指導したという伝説があるが学生有志の学校外活動における指導であろう。宮城長順が「空手の段位は大日本武徳会のみが発行できる」と言ったという伝聞もあるが武徳会は剣道、柔道、弓道そして銃剣術のみに段位を発行し他の武術に段位を発効していない。 They are distinguished representatives from both Okinawa and the mainland. Their participation in the Dainippon Butokukai as an organization is both significant and noteworthy. As of 1941, there were only 20 karate title holders in the Dainippon Butokukai, comprising 3 Kyoshi and 17 Renshi. In contrast, there were 5,600 practitioners in Kendo and 2,073 in Judo, indicating that karate was regarded as the least prestigious of the Japanese budo. There is a saying that Mr. Miyagi stated, 'Only the Dainippon Butokukai can issue Dan.' However, the Butokukai only conferred Dan ranks for three budo: Kendo, Judo, and Kyudo, and did not recognize the Dan system of other budo. ..Higa interacted with Shinko Matayoshi and Kenko Nakaima. They learned Gojuryu Karate from Higa, and Higa learned Matayoshi Kobudo and RyueiRyu Kobudo from them. Higa also learned Unsu from Choyu Motobu, which is different from today's famous Syotokan Ryu's Unsu and is called Arakaki no Unsu. Kobudo and Unsu above are not included in Chojun Miyagi's system. ..By the way, Higa was critical of the name "Goju-ryu,"' and is reported to have said, "We should have called ourselves Chinese Shaolin-ryu." ..泉川寛喜(1908~1967) 比嘉世幸の筆頭弟子。 1938 年に本土へ移住し翌年に本土初の剛柔流道場の活動を開始した。許田重発の最初の弟子でもあるため泉川の型には許田に由来する技が取り入れられている。昭和32年月刊空手道第2巻7号で彼は次のように自己紹介している。 「剛柔流の系譜は、東恩納寛良先生→宮城長順先生→比嘉世幸先生→私です。比嘉先生は東恩納先生と宮城先生の弟子です。彼らは東恩納先生の兄弟弟子でした。東恩納先生、宮城先生が亡くなられた今、比嘉先生だけが空手の発祥の地、遠く離れた沖縄で剛柔流沖縄普及協会会長として後進の指導に熱心に取り組んでいます。」 Kanki Izumikawa,1908~1967,the first disciple of Seiko Higa, came to Japan in 1939 and initiated Goju-ryu Karate dojo activities, making it the oldest on the Japanese mainland. He was also a student of Kyoda Juhatsu, so some of Izumikawa's kata incorporate techniques derived from Kyoda. 'The lineage of Goju-ryu is as follows: Sensei Kanryo Higaonna → Sensei Chojun Miyagi → Sensei Seiko Higa → Me. Sensei Higa is a disciple of both Sensei Higaonna and Sensei Miyagi; they were brother disciples of Sensei Higaonna. Now that Sensei Higaonna and Sensei Miyagi have passed away, only Sensei Higa remains to diligently teach the next generation as the chairman of the Goju-ryu Okinawa Promotion Association in distant Okinawa. May 1, 1957 Monthly Karatedo magazine No.5 1956 |
Yuzenkai 勇善会 | |||||
加藤勇(1941-2023) →detail 加藤勇(1941~2023)は東京生まれ。法政大学卒業。高校時代より比嘉世幸の高弟・泉川寛喜に直接指導を受けた。泉川道場のトップ選手であり1963年に日本空手道連盟が主催した第1回東日本空手道選手権大会の形の部で優勝した。当時全空連大会は存在せず、流派ごとに大会が行われており、これは多流派が競い合う最初の競技大会だった。 勇善会の「勇」は加藤勇による。実戦でも威力を発揮した。→参照 Isamu Kato (1941–2023) was born in Tokyo and graduated from Hosei University. From his high school days, he received direct instruction from Kanki Izumikawa, the top disciple of Seiko Higa. He was the top fighter in Izumikawa's dojo and won first place in the kata division at the 1st East Japan Karate Championship, organized by the Japan Karate-do Rengokai in 1963. At that time, there was no JKF, and no national tournament by many style.This was the first competitive tournament. He is also the last generation of karateka to use Goju-ryu in real fight. →referance 泉川寛喜範士(1908-1967)と。加藤の先輩、琉球古武道・宗幹流双節棍道(ヌンチャク)宗家の荒川武仙師範(1929-2016)と。 left;with hanshi KankiIzumikawa(1908-1967) right;with senior shihan Busen Arakawa(1929-2016:The landlord of Okinawa Kobudo , the founder of Sokanryu Nunchaku) 1965年、空手の武器ヌンチャクは加藤勇の先輩、荒川武仙師範によって初めてNHKで全国に公開された。 ←1965 NHK (Japan's public broadcaster)TV show. Nunchaku was first broadcast nationally on Japanese public broadcasting by Busen Arakawa,Isamu Kato's senior. Yosiaki Naganuma 長沼善秋(1944~) 勇善会の創設者。剛柔流空手の実戦使用を経験した最後の世代。泉川寛喜、加藤勇、泉川寛文から学び寛文の死後、加藤勇の指導のもと、統一化の進むスポーツ空手ではなく昔のままの剛柔流空手を継続する「勇善会」を設立した。1983年。..勇善会の名称は加藤勇師範と長沼善秋師範の名前から一文字ずつ引用し長沼自身が命名した。 Naganuma, the founder of Yuzenkai, represents the last generation to apply Goju-ryu Karate in real combat. He initially learned Goju-ryu from Kanki Izumikawa, Isamu Kato, and Kanbun Izumikawa. After Kanbun Izumikawa's passing, Naganuma established his own dojo, 'Yuzenkai,' with guidance from his senior, Isamu Kato, focusing on traditional Goju-ryu, as detailed on this site. Thus, Yuzenkai was founded in 1983. The name 'Yuzenkai' is derived from the first characters of their names: 'Yu' (勇) from Isamu (勇), and 'Zen' (善) from Yoshiaki (善秋). .... ..2013年に勇善会館長を後継の尾本一則に譲り現在は勇善会顧問。このようにしてこのウェブサイトで公開されているような剛柔流の伝統的な戦闘方法は受け継がれた。長沼はまた日本の伝統楽器尺八の有名な師範でもある。 In 2013, he transferred the position of Kancho of Yuzenkai to Shihan Omoto and now serves as the adviser of Yuzenkai.In this way, the traditional combat style of Goju-ryu, as published on this website, has been passed down to the present day. Additionally, he is also a renowned Shihan of the traditional Japanese instrument, the shakuhachi. |
Kazunori OMOTO尾本一則(1958~) 1974年から長沼師範に師事。早大卒。元神奈川県立高校教員(定年)。教職(社会科・空手部顧問:大会入賞指導多数)のかたわら沖縄剛柔流・沖縄古武道を海外へ指導、普及。現在12か国に支部を有する世界勇善会館長。 Kancho Omoto has been guieded Karate by Shihani Naganuma since 1974.→biography (In 2011, with the late famous professional wrestler ,Karate shihan ,kancho Masashi Aoyagi) 故 青柳政司館長(1956-2022)と。 偉大なプロレスラーにしてフルコンタクト空手家そして沖縄又吉古武道棒術の達人。 . 本サイトで剛柔流ではなく那覇手剛柔流という表現を用いる場面は勇善会の使命を表す意図がある。すなわち那覇手の世界観の中で剛柔流を再認識することによりスポーツ化により失われた技術や伝統を後世に継承することを最優先する意図を表す。勇善会は、日本の空手の標準化が始まった1982年以前から存在していた剛柔流の原則を忠実に守ることに尽力する。 もちろん子供対象の指導の場面でスポーツ空手を否定するものではない。 The use of the expression 'Nahate-Gojuryu' instead of just 'Goju-ryu' on this site reflects the mission of Yuzenkai. Specifically, it aims to reaffirm Goju-ryu within the worldview of Nahate, prioritizing the preservation of techniques and traditions that have been lost due to the sportsnization of karate for future generations. Yuzenkai is dedicated to faithfully upholding the principles of Goju-ryu that existed before the standardization of Japanese karate began in 1982. Of course, this does not negate the practice of sports karate in settings aimed at children. |
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