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24th summer training camp

Sanchin三戦 / Tensyo転掌 / Saifaサイファ / Gekisai nidan撃砕二段
  Arakaki no Unsu dai新垣のウンス大 / Arakaki no Unsu syo新垣のウンス小
Seienchinセイエンチン / Sepai十八 /Sanseru三十六 ........................


Syushi no kon dai 周氏の棍大 / Yaragua no Tonfa 屋良小のトンファ
Chatanyara no Sai 北谷屋良の釵 / Kyuten no unchaku 九天のヌンチャク
 6/4/2024 Dan certificate
 29/4/2024 Workshop for Honbu black belters
 19/2/2024 Tonfa kihon Gekisai 4dan for kids
 10/12/2023 SANCHIN三戦
 In "Sanchin; GOU-no-Kata", students tighten their entire body's muscles and continue performing the prescribed movements with all their might while deeply breathing abdominally, strengthening their core and muscles. The instructor will help their improve by pressing and hitting key points on their muscles.

 Disassembly photos of Kata "Saifa" which maintained at least as it was in the 1940s.Please notice the difference from modern sports karate"Saifa.'' click
I 'm sorry for the inconvenience, but this is an internal document, now so this is only Japanese version. The illustration used is "Okinawa_den Bubishi".
     3 MAI 2023 black belt workshop
23~25/11/2018 Shihan Huang Hai,the branch chief of China, is visiting Japan.
Welcome back! Shihan and Mrs.Nilsson from Sweden. (15~19/8/2018)
Gojuryu International Karate Kobudo Yuzenkai Sweden Trainingseminar 10-15 August 2016
Yuzenkai Srilanka Dojo and Head office has be established on 17th of January 2016
Well come! Shihan Shihan Josep Claramonte,branch chief of Cnina! 11/28~29/2015
Visite to Srilanka 11~17,8/2014 スリランカ勇善会訪問
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