GIKKU:GojuryuInternatonalKaratedoKobudoUnioinYUZENKAI |
Photo gallery ,last up date1/2/2025 HOME (Unauthorized use of images and videos on this site is prohibited.) |
Promotional video for kids 90 sec.(Japan) |
Welcome Demonstration Event for Shihan Josep Claramonte,Spain chief, after 9 years! 6/12~8/12,2024 スペイン支部長ヨセプ師範 再来日記念演武大会 | |
24th summer training camp 15/7/2024 | |
Sanchin三戦 / Tensyo転掌 / Saifaサイファ |
Gekisai nidan撃砕二段/Arakaki no Unsu dai新垣のウンス大 Arakaki no Unsu syo新垣のウンス小 |
Seienchinセイエンチン / Sepai十八 /Sanseru三十六 ........................ |
Sisouchinシソーチン/Sesan十三/Kururunfaクルルンファ/Suparinpei一百零八 |
Syushi no kon dai 周氏の棍大 / Yaragua no Tonfa 屋良小のトンファ Chatanyara no Sai 北谷屋良の釵 / Kyuten no unchaku 九天のヌンチャク |
6/4/2024 Dan certificate | |
29/4/2024 Workshop for Honbu black belters | |
23~25/11/2018 Shihan Huang Hai,the branch chief of China, is visiting Japan. | |
Welcome back! Shihan and Mrs.Nilsson from Sweden. (15~19/8/2018) | |
Gojuryu International Karate Kobudo Yuzenkai Sweden Trainingseminar 10-15 August 2016 | |
Yuzenkai Srilanka Dojo and Head office has be established on 17th of January 2016 | |
yts | |
Visite to Srilanka 11~17,8/2014 スリランカ勇善会訪問 | |
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