A little bit before, I received a great honor e-mail from Shihan Josep Claramonte,branch chief in China,who visited Yuzenkai Japan Dojo in last November. I would like to introduce
all membersi to it with his permission.Because he understand a essence
of Yuzenkai Gojuryu ,and is explaining in it in English.
Dear Omoto Kancho,I am finally home.I want to tell you that this trip has
been a discovery for me. This kind of Karate was unexpected to me.In my
experience, Shotokan and Kyokushin are 90% kick and punch and 10% the rest
(joint locks, throws, vital points...).It has been a good surprise that
kicking and punching are not the main techniques in Goju Ryu. Of course
the play an important role but all the categories of techniques share the
importance.This has changed my view of Karate.I was afraid that I would
forget as many things as we practiced together, specially the session about
Sepai.Well, my training in Okinawa stressed the same points as the training
with you.And I was lucky to find a book with some of the same information,
so I am happy.
When I got home I watched the DVD you gave me and found a video about Sepai,
exactly what we did together!Now I think I have enough material to explore
and try to reconstruct the lessons you gave me, so I can begin to work
on that with my partners and students.You opened a new window from where
I can see many things that I can practice in the future.With the training
together and the new Kobudo videos I have material to train for a long
time.For all of these, I am in debt with you.
But the best thing of my visit to Atsugi was the nice people I met there.
From you, to the kids, to the gentlemen that shared training (and dinner)
with us I am really thankful for the shared effort and really happy to
have met them.Please, forward them my best wishes.
The best thing that I can do now to honor your teachings is keep on practicing
and keep on sharing this knowledge with as many people as possible.
Thank you, thank you very much for your kind heart and your wonderful teachings.
Best regards "
2016 is fourth year from introducing Yuzenkai to foreign countries. It
may be said that Yuzenkai-Karate is classical music if I compare sports
Karate to popular music. When you felt the mystery that is hard to be settled
in Karate, Yuzenkai wants to give a key solving the mystery. I only act
not to disappoint your expectation.
In last three years, I knew many comrades.(experience-rich veterans, rising
young persons, researchers on Karate, seekers after truth of the life,
active players and instructors, persons who are studying now.) Individual
situation and dream are different.However, the sincere acting power to
make an effort for realization of dream is the same.Yuzenkai knows no border.I
hope if the day all members meet togather in the peace come.